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Table of Contents - Special Paper 310

Late Holocene Alluvial Geomorphology of the Virgin River in the Zion National Park Area, Southwest Utah



Previous Studies
Generalized Hydrology of the Virgin River

Geologic Setting of the Alluvial Valleys

Late Holocene Surficial Geology and Geomorphology

Mainstem and Tributary Deposits
Surficial Geology and Geomorphology of the Alluvial Valleys
East Fork Virgin River
North Fork Virgin River
Late Holocene Alluvial History
Regional Correlation of Alluvial Histories

Floods and Historic Changes in the Channel of the Virgin River

Historic Changes in the River Channel
Floods and Settlement
Historic Floods and the Beginning of Arroyo Cutting

Historic Photographs of the Virgin River

North Fork in Springdale and Zion Canyon Areas
Virgin River in the Grafton and Rockville Areas
East Fork near Shunesburg
Discussion and Summary of Channel Conditions Inferred from Historic Photographs

Streamflow History and Geomorphic Change of the Virgin River

Calibration and Verification of Reconstructed Streamflow
Gauged Streamflow History, 1910–1912
Annual and Seasonal Streamflow
Annual Flood Series
Streamflow and Geomorphic Change
Causes of Long-Term Streamflow Variation
Climate Variation

Summary and Conclusions


References Cited