GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 311

Subsurface Geologic Investigations of New York Finger Lakes: Implications for Late Quaternary Deglaciation and Environmental Change


Seismic Stratigraphy of the Finger Lakes: A Continental Record of Heinrich Event H-1 and Laurentide Ice Sheet Instability
Henry T. Mullins, Edward J. Hinchey, Robert W. Wellner, David B. Stephens, William T. Anderson, Jr., Thomas R. Dwyer, and Albert C. Hine

Correlation of Drillcore and Geophysical Results from Canandaigua Lake Valley, New York: Evidence for Rapid Late-Glacial Sediment Infill
Robert W. Wellner, John L. Petruccione, and Robert E. Sheridan

Results of Downhole Geophysical Measurements and Vertical Seismic Profile from the Canandaigua Borehole of New York State Finger Lakes
David C. Nobes and George W. Schneider

Late Pleistocene–Holocene Lake-Level Fluctuations and Paleoclimates at Canandaigua Lake, New York
Robert W. Wellner and Thomas R. Dwyer

Seismic Reflection Investigation of Montezuma Wetlands, Central New York State: Evolution of a Late Quaternary Subglacial Meltwater Channel System
John L. Petruccione, Robert W. Wellner, and Robert E. Sheridan