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Table of Contents - Special Paper 311Subsurface Geologic Investigations of New York Finger Lakes: Implications for Late Quaternary Deglaciation and Environmental Change |
Preface Seismic Stratigraphy of the Finger Lakes: A Continental Record of Heinrich
Event H-1 and Laurentide Ice Sheet Instability Correlation of Drillcore and Geophysical Results from Canandaigua Lake Valley,
New York: Evidence for Rapid Late-Glacial Sediment Infill Results of Downhole Geophysical Measurements and Vertical Seismic Profile
from the Canandaigua Borehole of New York State Finger Lakes Late Pleistocene–Holocene Lake-Level Fluctuations and Paleoclimates at Canandaigua
Lake, New York Seismic Reflection Investigation of Montezuma Wetlands, Central New York State:
Evolution of a Late Quaternary Subglacial Meltwater Channel System |