GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 316

Permian Stratigraphy and Fusulinida of Afghanistan with Their Paleogeographic and Paleotectonic Implications



Previous studies

Permian sequences and exposures

North Afghanistan
North Afghan–north Pamirian folded area
Turan plate
South Afghanistan
Middle Afghanistan (Afghan–south Pamirian fold belt)
Central Afghanistan
Kabul massif
Suleiman-Kirthar area
Kunar tectonic zone
Tash Kupruk tectonic zone
Farahrud trough
Discussion and analysis of fusulinid assemblages in Afghanistan and the Pamirs
Asselian assemblage
Sakmarian assemblage
Yahtashian assemblage
Bolorian assemblage
Kubergandian assemblage
Murgabian assemblage
Midian assemblage
Dzhulfian-Dorashamian assemblage
Outline of the stratigraphy and major features of Permian sedimentation in Afghanistan and the Pamirs
Asselian Stage
Sakmarian Stage
Yahtashian Stage
Bolorian Stage
Kubergandian Stage
Murgabian Stage
Midian Stage
Dzhulfian and Dorashamian Stages
Paleogeographic and paleotectonic implications

Systematic paleontology



References cited