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Table of Contents - Special Paper 317

An 800,000-Year Paleoclimatic Record from Core OL-92, Owens Lake, Southeast California

Edited by George I. Smith and James L. Bischoff

Preface v
1. Core OL-92 from Owens Lake: Project rationale, geologic setting, drilling procedures, and summary
G.I. Smith and J.L. Bischoff
2. Stratigraphy, lithologies, and sedimentary structures of Owens Lake core OL-92
G.I. Smith
3. Climatic signals in clay mineralogy and grain-size variations in Owens Lake core OL-92, southeast California
K.M. Menking
4. Responses of sediment geochemistry to climate change in Owens Lake sediment: An 800-ky. record of saline/fresh cycles in core OL-92
J.L. Bischoff, J.P. Fitts, and J.A. Fitzpatrick
5. Movement and diffusion of pore fluids in Owens Lake sediments from core OL-92 as shown by salinity and deuterium-hydrogen ratios
I. Friedman, J.L. Bischoff, C.A. Johnson, S.W. Tyler, and J.R. Fitts
6. Paleomagnetism and magnetic susceptibility of Pleistocene sediments from drill hole OL-92, Owens Lake, California
J.M. Glen and R.S. Coe
7. Age and correlation of tephra layers, position of the Matuyama-Brunhes chron boundary, and effects of Bishop ash eruption on Owens Lake, as determined from drill hole OL-92, southeast California
A.M. Sama-Wojcicki, C.E. Meyer, and E. Wan
8. A time-depth scale for Owens Lake sediments of core OL-92: Radiocarbon dates and constant mass-accumulation rate
J.L. Bischoff, T.W. Stafford, Jr., and M. Rubin
9. A diatom-based paleohydrologic record of climate change for the past 800 ky. from Owens Lake, California
J.R. Bradbury
10. Ostracodes in Owens Lake core OL-92: Alternation of saline and freshwater forms through time
C. Carter
11. Paleobiotic and isotopic analysis of mollusks, fish, and plants from core OL-92: Indicators for an open or closed lake system
J.R. Firby, S.E. Sharpe, J.F. Whelan, G.R. Smith, and W.G. Spaulding
12. An 800,000-year pollen record from Owens Lake, California: Preliminary analyses
R.J. Litwin, D.P. Adam, N.0. Frederiksen, and W.B. Woolfenden
13. Synthesis of the paleoclimatic record from Owens Lake core OL-92
G.I. Smith, J.L. Bischoff, and J.P. Bradbury
Index 161