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Table of Contents - SPE323:

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Accommodation Zones and Transfer Zones: The Regional Segmentation of the Basin and Range Province


The role of accommodation zones and transfer zones in the regional segmentation of extended terranes

Regional characteristics, tilt domains, and extensional history of the late Cenozoic Basin and Range province, western North America

Basement-controlled transfer zones in an area of low-magnitude extension, eastern Basin and Range province, Trans-Pecos Texas

Seismic reflection evidence for detachment polarity beneath a major accommodation zone, west-central Arizona

Structural control of rock-avalanche deposition in the Colorado River extensional corridor, southeastern California-western Arizona

Restoration of Tertiary deformation in the Lake Mead region, southern Nevada: The role of strike-slip transfer zones

Paleomagnetic evidence for counterclockwise rotation in a broad sinistral shear zone, Basin and Range province, southeastern Nevada and southwestern Utah

The Caliente-Enterprise zone, southeastern Nevada and southwestern Utah

Cenozoic transverse zones and igneous belts in the Great Basin, western United States: Their tectonic and economic implications

Insights from Quaternary relations for segmentation of the Great Basin by regional, transverse accommodation zones

Cenozoic tilt domains in southwestern Montana: Interference among three generations of extensional fault systems
