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Table of Contents - Special Paper 326Active Strike-Slip and Collisional Tectonics of the Northern Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone |
Preface | v | |
1. | Active tectonics of the north-central Caribbean: Oblique collision, strain
partitioning, and opposing subducted slabs James F. Dolan, Henry T. Mullins, and David J. Wald |
1 |
2. | Tectonic geomorphology and paleoseismology of the Septentrional fault system,
Dominican Republic Paul Mann, Carol S. Prentice, G. Burr, Luis R. Peña, and F. W. Taylor |
63 |
3. | Strike-slip tectonics and seismicity along the northern Caribbean plate boundary
from Cuba to Hispaniola E. Calais, J. Perrot, and B. Mercier de Lápinay | 125 |
4. | The 1943-1953 north-central Caribbean earthquakes: Active tectonic setting,
seismic hazards, and implications for Caribbean-North America plate motions James F. Dolan and David J. Wald |
143 |
Index |
171 |