Abstract |
1 |
Introduction |
2 |
Regional tectonic setting |
3 |
Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang fault system |
6 |
Geologic setting |
6 |
Songpan-Ganzi fold belt |
6 |
Longmen Shan thrust belt and its continuation into southern
Sichuan |
9 |
Yangzi platform |
9 |
South China fold and thrust belts |
9 |
Sub-Pliocene erosion surface |
11 |
Xianshuihe segment |
12 |
Central segment |
13 |
Anninghe fault |
13 |
Zemuhe fault |
14 |
Shimian fault |
14 |
Xiaojiang segment |
16 |
Northern part of the Xiaojiang segment |
18 |
Central part of the Xiaojiang segment |
21 |
East Xiaojiang fault |
23 |
West Xiaojiang fault |
23 |
Puduhe-Yuxi fault zone |
25 |
Southern part of the Xiaojiang segment |
30 |
Other left-lateral faults |
35 |
Right-slip faults associated with the Xiaojiang segment |
36 |
Other right-slip faults possibly related to the Red River
fault system |
37 |
Discussion of the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang fault system |
37 |
Red River and Dali fault systems |
39 |
Geologic setting |
40 |
Lanping-Simao fold belt |
41 |
Chuxiong basin |
41 |
Tibetan plateau |
43 |
Dali highland |
43 |
Yunling collage |
44 |
Yangzi platform |
44 |
South China fold belt |
44 |
Sub-Pliocene erosion surface |
44 |
Red River fault system |
44 |
Red River fault |
44 |
Jianshui fault |
50 |
Qujiang fault |
54 |
Chuxiong fault |
60 |
Dali fault system |
62 |
Chenghai fault |
64 |
Jianchuan fault |
64 |
Lijiang fault |
64 |
Heqing fault |
66 |
Daju fault system |
66 |
Yulong Snow Mountains |
67 |
Benzilan-Zhongdian fault |
67 |
Tongdian fault |
67 |
Discussion of the Red River and Dali fault systems |
69 |
Synthesis and conclusions |
72 |
Acknowledgments |
106 |
References cited |
106 |