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Table of Contents - Special Paper 334

Cenozoic Tectonics and Volcanism of Mexico

Preface v
1. The Rivera-Cocos plate boundary: Implications for Rivera-Cocos relative motion and plate fragmentation
W. L. Bandy, T. W. C. Hilde, and C.-Y. Yan
2. Morphology and recent history of the ridge propagator system located at 18° N, 106° W
W. L. Bandy and T. W. C. Hilde
3. Late Miocene to Quaternary extension at the northern boundary of the Jalisco block, western Mexico: The Tepic-Zacoalco rift revised
Luca Ferrari and Jos‚ Rosas-Elguera
4. Geology of the western Mexican Volcanic Belt and adjacent Sierra Madre Occidental and Jalisco block
Luca Ferrari, Giorgio Pasquarè, Saul Venegas-Salgado, and Francisco Romero-Rios
5. Stratigraphic and structural relations between the trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt and the Sierra Madre Occidental in the Guadalajara Region, Jalisco, Mexico
Jacopo Spinnler, Victor Hugo Garduño, and Enrico Ceragioli
6. Tectonic controls on lake distribution in the Jalisco block area (western Mexico) from Pliocene to present
François Michaud, Françoise Gasse, Jacques Bourgois, and Odranoel Quintero
7. Geologic reconnaissance and Miocene age of volcanism and associated fauna from sediments of Bahía de los Angeles, Baja California, central Gulf of California
Luis A. Delgado-Argote, Margarita López-Martínez, and María del Carmen Perrilliat
8. Miocene volcanism during late subduction and early rifting in the Sierra Santa Ursula of western Sonora, Mexico
Gabriela Mora-Alvarez and Fred W. McDowell
9. Relation of the Puertecitos Volcanic Province, Baja California, Mexico, to development of the plate boundary in the Gulf of California
Joann M. Stock
10. Paleomagnetic data from northern Baja California (Mexico): Results from the Cretaceous San Telmo batholith
H. Böhnel and L. Delgado-Argote
11. Stratigraphy, K-Ar ages, and magnetostratigraphy of the Acambay graben, central Mexican Volcanic Belt
Gerardo J. Arguirre-Díaz, Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Ana Maria Soler-Arechalde, and Fred W. McDowell
12. Volcanic evolution of the Amealco caldera, central Mexico
Gerardo J. Aguirre-Díaz and Fred W. McDowell
13. Geochemistry of the subducting Cocos plate and the origin of subduction-unrelated mafic volcanism at the volcanic front of the central Mexican Volcanic Belt
Surendra P. Verma
14. Contribution to the tectonics of the northern portion of the central sector of the trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
J. O. Campos-Enriquez, M. Rodríguez, O. Delgado-Rodríguez, and M. Milán
15. Fault-slip analysis in the basal units of the Mexican Volcanic Belt on the eastern flank of the Tzitzio anticline, Michoacán, México
L. Mennella, V. H. Garduño, and O. Bonassi
16. Structure and proximal stratigraphy of Citlalt‚petl volcano (Pico de Orizaba), Mexico
Gerardo Carrasco-Núñez
17. Reverse faulting in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec: Backarc deformation induced by the subduction of the Tehuantepec ridge
Gerardo Suárez
Index 269