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Table of Contents - Special Paper 336Laurentia-Gondwana Connections before Pangea |
Preface | v | |
1. | Origin and evolution of the Precordillera terrane of western Argentina: A
drifted Laurentian orphan R. A. Astini and W. A. Thomas |
1 |
2. | Paleontological constraints on successive paleogeographic positions of Precordillera
terrane during the early Paleozoic J. L. Benedetto, T. M. Sánchez, M. G. Carrera, E. D. Brussa, and M. J. Salas |
21 |
3. | Facies and sequences of the Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician carbonates of the
Argentine Precordillera: A stratigraphic comparison with Laurentian platforms F. L. Cañas |
43 |
4. | Ordovician western Sierras Pampeanas magmatic belt: Record of Precordillera
accretion in Argentina S. Quenardelle and V. A. Ramos |
63 |
5. | Uranium-lead dating of felsic magmatic cycles in the southern Sierras Pampeanas,
Argentina: Implications for the tectonic development of the proto-Andean Gondwana
margin P. G. Stuart-Smith, R. Miró, J. P. Sims, P. E. Pieters, P. Lyons, A. Camacho, T. Ireland, R. G. Skirrow, and L. P. Black |
87 |
6. | Closing the ocean between the Precordillera terrane and Chilenia: Early Devonian
ophiolite emplacement and deformation in the southwest Precordillera J. S. Davis, S. M. Roeske, W. C. McClelland, and L. W. Snee |
115 |
7. | Puncoviscana Formation of northwestern and central Argentina: Passive margin
or foreland basin deposit? J. D. Keppie and H. Bahlburg |
139 |
8. | Magmatic sources and tectonic setting of Gondwana margin Ordovician magmas,
northern Puna of Argentina and Chile B. L. Coira, S. Mahlburg Kay, B. Peréz, B. Woll, M. Hanning, and P. Flores |
145 |
9. | Paleomagnetic constraints on the evolution of Paleozoic suspect terranes from
southern South America A. E. Rapalini, R. A. Astini, and C. M. Conti |
171 |
10. | Pb isotope evidence for Colombia-southern México connections in the
Proterozoic J. Ruiz, R. M. Tosdal, P. A. Restrepo, and G. Murillo-Muñetón |
183 |
11. | Middle American Precambrian basement: A missing piece of the reconstructed
1-Ga orogen J. D. Keppie and F. Ortega-Gutiérrez |
199 |
12. | Review of Paleozoic stratigraphy of M‚xico and its role in the Gondwana-Laurentia
connections J. L. Sánchez-Zavala, E. Centeno-García, and F. Ortega-Gutiírrez |
211 |
13. | Exotic Paleozoic strata of Gondwanan provenance near Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas,
México J. H. Stewart, R. B. Blodgett, A. J. Boucot, J. L. Carter, and R. López |
227 |
14. | Neoproterozoic-early Paleozoic evolution of Avalonia J. B. Murphy, J. D. Keppie, J. Dostal, and R. D. Nance |
253 |
15. | Odyssey of terranes in the Iapetus and Rheic oceans during the Paleozoic J. D. Keppie and V. A. Ramos |
267 |