GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - SPE337:

Glacial Processes Past and Present

Preface vii
1. Glaciological and geological implications of basal-ice accretion in overdeepenings
R. B. Alley, J. C. Strasser, D. E. Lawson, E. B. Evenson, and G. J. Larson
2. Example of the dependence of ice motion on subglacial drainage system evolution: Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, United States
S. L. Ensminger, E. B. Evenson, R. B. Alley, G. J. Larson, D. E. Lawson, and J. C. Strasser
3. Field evidence for the recognition of glaciohydrologic supercooling
E. B. Evenson, D. E. Lawson, J. C. Strasser, G. J. Larson, R. B. Alley, S. L. Ensminger, and W. E. Stevenson
4. Isotopic composition of vent discharge from the Matanuska Glacier, Alaska: Implications for the origin of basal ice
D. D. Titus, G. J. Larson, J. C. Strasser, D. E. Lawson, E. B. Evenson, and R. B. Alley
5. Microstructures of glacigenic sediment-flow deposits, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
M. S. Lachniet, G. J. Larson, J. C. Strasser, D. E. Lawson, E. B. Evenson, and R. B. Alley
6. Need for three-dimensional analysis of structural elements in glacial deposits for determination of direction of glacier movement
A. Dreimanis
7. Tunnel channels formed in Wisconsin during the last glaciation
L. Clayton, J. W. Attig, and D. M. Mickelson
8. Spooner Hills, northwest Wisconsin: High-relief hills carved by subglacial meltwater of the Superior Lobe
M. D. Johnson
9. Origin of the Driftless Area by subglacial drainage-a new hypothesis
H. Hobbs
10. Paleoglacier reconstruction and late Pleistocene equilibrium-line altitudes, southern Sawatch Range, Colorado
K. A. Brugger and B. S. Goldstein
11. Pre-Illinoian glacial geomorphology and dynamics in the central United States, west of the Mississippi
J. S. Aber
12. Wisconsin Episode glacial landscape of central Illinois: A product of subglacial deformation processes?
W. H. Johnson and A. K. Hansel
13. Reconstruction of the Green Bay Lobe, Wisconsin, United States, from 26,000 to 13,000 radiocarbon years B.P.
P. M. Colgan
14. Ice-surface profiles and bed conditions of the Green Bay Lobe from 13,000 to 11,000 14C-years B.P.
B. J. Socha, P. M. Colgan, and D. M. Mickelson
15. Ice sliding over weak, fine-grained tills: Dependence of ice-till interactions on till granulometry
S. Tulaczyk
16. Quaternary glacial deposits and landforms of the north Timan region, Russia-a possible center of local glaciation
A. V. Matoshko
17. Discussion of the observed asymmetrical distribution of landforms of the southeastern sector of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet
R. Karuk"pp
18. Role of climate oscillations in determining ice-margin position: Hypothesis, examples, and implications
T. V. Lowell, R. K. Hayward, and G. H. Denton