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Table of Contents - SPE337: |
Glacial Processes Past and Present |
Preface | vii | |
1. | Glaciological and geological implications of basal-ice accretion in overdeepenings R. B. Alley, J. C. Strasser, D. E. Lawson, E. B. Evenson, and G. J. Larson |
1 |
2. | Example of the dependence of ice motion on subglacial drainage system evolution:
Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, United States S. L. Ensminger, E. B. Evenson, R. B. Alley, G. J. Larson, D. E. Lawson, and J. C. Strasser |
11 |
3. | Field evidence for the recognition of glaciohydrologic supercooling E. B. Evenson, D. E. Lawson, J. C. Strasser, G. J. Larson, R. B. Alley, S. L. Ensminger, and W. E. Stevenson |
23 |
4. | Isotopic composition of vent discharge from the Matanuska Glacier, Alaska:
Implications for the origin of basal ice D. D. Titus, G. J. Larson, J. C. Strasser, D. E. Lawson, E. B. Evenson, and R. B. Alley |
37 |
5. | Microstructures of glacigenic sediment-flow deposits, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska M. S. Lachniet, G. J. Larson, J. C. Strasser, D. E. Lawson, E. B. Evenson, and R. B. Alley |
45 |
6. | Need for three-dimensional analysis of structural elements in glacial deposits
for determination of direction of glacier movement A. Dreimanis |
59 |
7. | Tunnel channels formed in Wisconsin during the last glaciation L. Clayton, J. W. Attig, and D. M. Mickelson |
69 |
8. | Spooner Hills, northwest Wisconsin: High-relief hills carved by subglacial
meltwater of the Superior Lobe M. D. Johnson |
83 |
9. | Origin of the Driftless Area by subglacial drainage-a new hypothesis H. Hobbs |
93 |
10. | Paleoglacier reconstruction and late Pleistocene equilibrium-line altitudes,
southern Sawatch Range, Colorado K. A. Brugger and B. S. Goldstein |
103 |
11. | Pre-Illinoian glacial geomorphology and dynamics in the central United States,
west of the Mississippi J. S. Aber |
113 |
12. | Wisconsin Episode glacial landscape of central Illinois: A product of subglacial
deformation processes? W. H. Johnson and A. K. Hansel |
121 |
13. | Reconstruction of the Green Bay Lobe, Wisconsin, United States, from 26,000
to 13,000 radiocarbon years B.P. P. M. Colgan |
137 |
14. | Ice-surface profiles and bed conditions of the Green Bay Lobe from 13,000
to 11,000 14C-years B.P. B. J. Socha, P. M. Colgan, and D. M. Mickelson |
151 |
15. | Ice sliding over weak, fine-grained tills: Dependence of ice-till interactions
on till granulometry S. Tulaczyk |
159 |
16. | Quaternary glacial deposits and landforms of the north Timan region, Russia-a
possible center of local glaciation A. V. Matoshko |
179 |
17. | Discussion of the observed asymmetrical distribution of landforms of the southeastern
sector of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet R. Karuk"pp |
187 |
18. | Role of climate oscillations in determining ice-margin position: Hypothesis,
examples, and implications T. V. Lowell, R. K. Hayward, and G. H. Denton |
193 |