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Table of Contents - SPE338: |
Classic Cordilleran Concepts: A View from California |
Preface |
vii |
Section I. One hundred years of geology |
One hundred years: Introduction | 3 | |
Chapter 1. A century of Cordilleran research W. R. Dickinson |
5 | |
Chapter 2. Early history of the Cordilleran section D. L. Stout |
15 | |
Chapter 3. Some salient European contributions to Cordilleran tectonics A. M. C. ![]() | 31 | |
Section II. Where it started |
Where it started: Introduction | 39 | |
Chapter 4. California gold | 41 | |
Classic Paper: W. Lindgren, 1895, Characteristic features of California gold-quartz veins | 43 | |
Commentary: J. K. Böhlke, Mother Lode gold | 55 | |
Chapter 5. The great San Francisco earthquake of 1906 | 69 | |
Classic Paper: A. C. Lawson, 1908, The California earthquake of April 18, 1906 - Report of the State Earthquake Investigation Commission (excerpts) | 71 | |
Commentary: C. S. Prentice, San Andreas fault: The 1906 earthquake and subsequent evolution of ideas | 79 | |
Chapter 6. The San Andreas and related fault systems | 87 | |
Classic Paper: M. L. Hill and T. W. Dibblee, Jr., 1963, San Andreas, Garlock, and Big Pine faults, California | 89 | |
Commentary: T. W. Dibblee, Jr., A lifetime of field work along the San Andreas fault system, California | 101 | |
Section III. Plate Tectonics-Coast to Mountains |
Plate tectonics: Introduction | 107 | |
Chapter 7. The Franciscan: California's classic subduction complex | 111 | |
Classic Paper: W. G. Ernst, 1970, Tectonic contact between the Franciscan mélange and the Great Valley Sequence-crustal expression of a Late Mesozoic Benioff zone | 113 | |
Commentary: J. Wakabayashi, Subduction and the rock record: Concepts developed in the Franciscan Complex, California | 123 | |
Chapter 8. The Great Valley Group: The arc-trench gap | 135 | |
Classic Paper: R. W. Ojakangas, 1968, Cretaceous sedimentation, Sacramento Valley, California (excerpts) | 137 | |
Commentary: R. V. Ingersoll, Post-1968 Research on the Great Valley Group | 155 | |
Chapter 9. The Sierra Nevada: Central California's arc | 161 | |
Classic Paper: P. C. Bateman and C. Wahrhaftig, 1966, Geology of the Sierra Nevada (excerpts) | 165 | |
Commentary: J. B. Saleeby, On some aspects of the geology of the Sierra Nevada | 173 | |
Chapter 10. Geochronology of California's Arc | 185 | |
Classic Paper: J. F. Evernden and R. W. Kistler, 1970, Chronology of emplacement of Mesozoic batholithic complexes in California and western Nevada (excerpts) | 189 | |
Commentary: W. D. Sharp and P. R. Renne, Commentary on "Chronology of emplacement of Mesozoic batholithic complexes in California and western Nevada" by J. F. Evernden and R. W. Kistler | 193 | |
Chapter 11. The southern California batholith | 201 | |
Classic Paper: E. S. Larsen, Jr., 1943, Batholith and associated rocks of Corona, Elsinore, and San Luis Rey quadrangles, southern California (excerpts) | 204 | |
Commentary: G. R. Gastil, Esper S. Larsen, Jr. on the batholith of Southern California revisited | 217 | |
Chapter 12. The assembly of California | 219 | |
Classic Paper: E. M. Moores, 1970, Ultramafics and orogeny, with models of the U. S. Cordillera and the Tethys | 221 | |
Commentary: E. M. Moores, Y. Dilek, and J. Wakabayashi, California terranes | 227 | |
Section IV. Water and Oil-the Vital Fluids of California |
Water and oil: Introduction | 237 | |
Chapter 13. Gilbert's hydraulic experiments | 241 | |
Classic Paper: G. K. Gilbert, 1914, The transportation of débris by running water (excerpts) | 243 | |
Commentary: E. A. Keller, Transportation of d‚bris by running water (Professional Paper 86) by Grove Karl Gilbert | 253 | |
Chapter 14. Applied stratigraphy in the Coast Ranges | 257 | |
Classic Paper: R. M. Kleinpell, 1938, Miocene stratigraphy of California (excerpts) | 259 | |
Commentary: W. B. N. Berry, Stratigraphic paleontology: From oil patch to academia | 267 | |
Chapter 15. The Monterey Formation: The source of oil | 273 | |
Classic Paper: M. N. Bramlette, 1946, The Monterey Formation of California and the origin of its siliceous rocks (excerpts) | 275 | |
Commentary: R. J. Behl, Since Bramlette (1946): The Miocene Monterey Formation of California revisited | 301 | |
Chapter 16. Water management: Slaking California's thirst | 315 | |
Classic Paper: The California Water Plan, 1957 (excerpts) | 317 | |
Commentary: R. T. Bean and E. M. Weber, The California Water Plan | 323 | |
Commentary: C. J. Hauge, Water in California 1998: a brief update | 333 | |
Section V. Tectonics in the Desert |
Tectonics in the desert: Introduction | 339 | |
Chapter 17. Basin and Range extension | 341 | |
Classic Paper: R. L. Armstrong, 1972, Low-angle (denudation) faults, hinterland of the Sevier Orogenic Belt, eastern Nevada and western Utah | 343 | |
Commentary: B. Wernicke and J. Spencer, Retrospective on "Low-angle (denudation) faults, hinterland of the Sevier Orogenic Belt, eastern Nevada and western Utah" by Richard Lee Armstrong | 357 | |
Chapter 18. Mojave-Basin and Range boundary | 363 | |
Classic Paper: G. A. Davis and B. C. Burchfiel, 1973, Garlock fault: An intracontinental transform structure, southern California | 365 | |
Commentary: J. D. Walker and A. F. Glazner, Tectonic development of the southern California deserts | 375 | |
Chapter 19. Death Valley: The ultimate desert valley | 381 | |
Classic Paper: L. F. Noble, 1941, Structural features of the Virgin Spring area, Death Valley, California (excerpts) | 385 | |
Commentary: L. A. Wright and B. W. Troxel, Levi Noble's Death Valley, a 58-year perspective | 399 | |
Section VI. The Modern Landscape-Mountains to Coast |
The modern landscape: Introduction | 415 | |
Chapter 20. Modern and ancient volcanoes | 419 | |
Classic Paper: Howel Williams, 1929, The volcanic domes of Lassen Peak and vicinity, California | 421 | |
Commentary: R. L. Christensen and M. A. Clynne, Volcanism in California | 431 | |
Chapter 21. Mountains shaped by ice | 439 | |
Classic Paper: E. Blackwelder, 1931, Pleistocene glaciation in the Sierra Nevada and Basin Ranges | 441 | |
Commentary: A. R. Gillespie, M. M. Clark, and R. M. Burke, Eliot Blackwelder and the alpine glaciations of the Sierra Nevada | 443 | |
Chapter 22. California's shifting slopes | 453 | |
Classic Paper: K. Terzaghi, 1950, Mechanism of landslides (excerpts) | 455 | |
Commentary: R. J. Shlemon, Commentary on Karl Terzaghi's 1950 "Mechanism of landslides" | 471 | |
Epilogue: Past, present, and future context of Cordilleran geology |
475 |
Index | 483 |