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Table of Contents - Special Paper 339Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution II |
Preface | viii | |
1. | Anatomy of the Popigai impact crater, Russia V. L. Masaitis, M. V. Naumov, and M. S. Mashchak |
1 |
2. | Popigai impact structure (Arctic Siberia, Russia): Geology, petrology, geochemistry,
and geochronology of glass-bearing impactites Sergei Vishnevsky and Alessandro Montanari |
19 |
3. | Morokweng impact structure, South Africa: Geologic, petrographic, and isotopic
results, and implications for the size of the structure Wolf Uwe Reimold, Christian Koeberl, Franz Brandstätter, F. Johan Kruger, Richard A. Armstrong, and Cornelis Bootsman |
61 |
4. | Ni- and PGE-enriched quartz norite impact melt complex in the Late Jurassic
Morokweng impact structure, South Africa M. A. G. Andreoli, L. D. Ashwal, R. J. Hart, and J. M. Huizenga |
91 |
5. | Slate Islands, Lake Superior, Canada: A mid-size, complex impact structure B. O. Dressler, V. L. Sharpton, and P. Copeland |
109 |
6. | Lycksele structure in northern Sweden: Result of an impact? H. Thunehed, S.-Å. Elming, and L. J. Pesonen |
125 |
7. | Lake Karikkoselk" impact structure, central Finland: New geophysical and petrographic
results Lauri J. Pesonen, Seppo Elo, Martti Lehtinen, Tarmo Jokinen, Risto Puranen, and Liisa Kivekäs |
131 |
8. | Seismic expression of the Chesapeake Bay impact crater: Structural and morphologic
refinements based on new seismic data C. Wylie Poag, Deborah R. Hutchinson, Steven M. Colman, and Myung W. Lee |
149 |
9. | Gravity signature of the Teague Ring impact structure, Western Australia Jeffrey B. Plescia |
165 |
10. | BP and Oasis impact structures, Libya, and their relation to Libyan Desert
Glass Begosew Abate, Christian Koeberl, F. Johan Kruger, and James R. Underwood, Jr. |
177 |
11. | Mjolnir Structure, Barents Sea: A marine impact crater laboratory Filippos Tsikalas, Steinar Thor Gudlaugsson, Jan Inge Faleide, and Olav Eldholm |
193 |
12. | Shock-induced effects in natural calcite-rich targets as revealed by X-ray
powder diffraction Roman Skála and Petr Jakes |
205 |
13. | Carbon isotope study of impact diamonds in Chicxulub ejecta at Cretaceous-Tertiary
boundary sites in Mexico and the Western Interior of the United States R. M. Hough, I. Gilmour, and C. T. Pillinger |
215 |
14. | Formation of a flattened subsurface fracture zone around meteorite craters Yevgeny Zenchenko and Vsevolod Tsvetkov |
223 |
15. | Effect of erosion on gravity and magnetic signatures of complex impact structures:
Geophysical modeling and applications J. Plado, L. J. Pesonen, and V. Puura |
229 |
16. | Impact crises, mass extinctions, and galactic dynamics: The case for a unified
theory Michael R. Rampino |
241 |
17. | Late Archean impact spherule layer in South Africa that may correlate with
a Western Australian layer Bruce M. Simonson, Scott W. Hassler, and Nicolas J. Beukes |
249 |
18. | Deep seismic reflection profiles across the Chicxulub crater D. B. Snyder and R. W. Hobbs |
263 |
19. | Near-surface seismic expression of the Chicxulub impact crater John Brittan, Joanna Morgan, Mike Warner, and Luis Marin |
269 |
20. | Morphology of the Chicxulub impact: Peak-ring crater or multi-ring basin?
Joanna Morgan and Mike Warner |
281 |
21. | Upper crustal structure of the Chicxulub impact crater from wide-angle ocean
bottom seismograph data G. L. Christeson, R. T. Buffler, and Y. Nakamura |
291 |
22. | Sudbury Structure 1997: A persistent enigma B. O. Dressler and V. L. Sharpton |
299 |
23. | Sudbury Breccia distribution and orientation in an embayment environment John S. Fedorowich, Don H. Rousell, and Walter V. Peredery |
305 |
24. | Impact diamonds in the Suevitic Breccias of the Black Member of the Onaping
Formation, Sudbury Structure, Ontario, Canada V. L. Masaitis, G. I. Shafranovsky, R. A. F. Grieve, F. Langenhorst, W. V. Peredery, A. M. Therriault, E. L. Balmasov, and I. G. Fedorova |
317 |
25. | The Green Member of the Onaping Formation, the collapsed fireball layer of
the Sudbury impact structure, Ontario, Canada M. E. Avermann |
323 |
26. | Carbonaceous matter in the rocks of the Sudbury Basin, Ontario, Canada Ted E. Bunch, Luann Becker, David Des Marais, Anne Tharpe, Peter H. Schultz, Wendy Wolbach, Daniel P. Glavin, Karen L. Brinton, and Jeffrey L. Bada |
331 |
27. | Origin of carbonaceous matter, fullerenes, and elemental sulfur in rocks of
the Whitewater Group, Sudbury impact structure, Ontario, Canada D. Heymann, B. O. Dressler, J. Knell, M. H. Thiemens, P. R. Buseck, R. B. Dunbar, and D. Mucciarone |
345 |
28. | Isotopic evidence for a single impact melting origin of the Sudbury Igneous
Complex A. P. Dickin, T. Nguyen, and J. H. Crocket |
361 |
29. | Sudbury Igneous Complex: Simulating phase equilibria and in situ differentiation
for two proposed parental magmas Alexey A. Ariskin, Alexander Deutsch, and Markus Ostermann |
373 |
30. | Sudbury impact event: Cratering mechanics and thermal history B. A. Ivanov and A. Deutsch |
389 |
31. | Emplacement geometry of the Sudbury Igneous Complex: Structural examination
of a proposed impact melt-sheet E. J. Cowan, U. Riller, and W. M. Schwerdtner |
399 |
32. | Structural evolution of the Sudbury impact structure in the light of seismic
reflection data D. E. Boerner and B. Milkereit |
419 |
33. | Summary: Development of ideas on Sudbury geology, 1992-1998 A. J. Naldrett |
431 |
Index | 443 |