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Table of Contents - Special Paper 340

Mesozoic Sedimentary and Tectonic History of North Central Mexico

Preface v
1. Mesozoic sequence stratigraphy and paleogeographic evolution of northeast Mexico
R. K. Goldhammer and C. A. Johnson
2. Red beds of the Huayacocotla anticlinorium, state of Hidalgo, east-central Mexico
H. Ochoa-Camarillo, B. E. Buitrón-Sánchez, and A. Silva-Pineda
3. A revision of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous stratigraphic nomenclature for the Chihuahua trough, north-central Mexico: implications for lithocorrelations
R. Monreal and J. F. Longoria
4. Confrontation of stratigraphic methods to define the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in eastern Mexico subsurface
A. Cantu-Chapa
5. Paleocene ostreids from the Las Encinas Formation (Parras basin: Difunta Group) northeastern Mexico; stratigraphic implications
F. J. Vega, M. del Carmen Perrilliat, and L. M. Mitre-Salazar
6. Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of the La Casita Formation (Upper Jurassic), Cerro Los Panales, Chihuahua, Mexico
G. Olmstead
7. Controls on the wandering path of the Cupido Reef trend in northeastern Mexico
J. L. Wilson
8. Late Cretaceous pillow basalt, siliceous tuff and calc-turbidite near Porohui, northern Sinaloa, Mexico
G. Gastil, R. Rector, G. Hazelton, R. Al-Riyami, J. Hanes, E. Farrar, H. Boehnel, A. Ortega-Rivera, and J. Garcia Guzman
9. Mesozoic red bed floras in east-central Mexico and their stratigraphic relationships with marine beds
A. Silva-Pineda and B. E. Buitrón-Sánchez
10. Late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic history of the Las Delicias terrane, Coahuila, Mexico
J. W. McKee, N. W. Jones, and T. H. Anderson
11. A Permo-Triassic continental arc in eastern Mexico: Tectonic implications for reconstructions of southern North America
R. Torres, J. Ruiz, P. J. Patchett, and J. M. Grajales
12. Tectonic setting of pre-Oxfordian units from central and northeastern Mexico: A review
J. R. Barboza-Gudino, M. Tristán-González, and J. R. Torres-Hernández
13. Geology of the basement below the decollement surface, Sierra de Catorce, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
M. Franco-Rubio
14. The palynostratigraphical method: Basis for defining stratigraphy and age of the Los San Pedros Allogroup, Huizachal-Peregrina anticlinorium, Mexico
J. Rueda-Gaxiola, E. López-Ocampo, M. A. Dueñas, J. L. Rodriguez, and A. Torres-Rivero
15. Permian, Triassic and Jurassic stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and sequence stratigraphy in the Sierra del Alamo Muerto, Sonora, Mexico
S. G. Lucas and J. W. Estep
16. The type Mesozoic succession of northern Mexico: Cañon La Casita
J. F. Longoria, D. M. Clowes, and R. Monreal
17. Evidence for Jurassic continental rift magmatism in northeast Mexico: Allogenic meta-igneous blocks in El Papalote evaporite diapir, La Popa basin, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
J. M. Garrison and N. J. McMillan
18. Two unconformable stratigraphic relationships between Upper Jurassic red beds, and marine sequences in northeastern and eastern Mexico subsurface
A. Cantu-Chapa
19. The Palynostratigraphy Method: Its application to understanding the origin, evolution and distribution of red beds
J. Rueda-Gaxiola
20. Volcanic rock outcrops in Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi, Mexico: Remnants of the Permian-Early Triassic magmatic arc?
C. Bartolini, H. Lang, and W. Stinnesbeck
21. Crustal structure of northeastern Mexico revealed through the analysis of gravity data
K. Mickus and C. Montana
Index 373