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Table of Contents - Special Paper 340Mesozoic Sedimentary and Tectonic History of North Central Mexico |
Preface | v | |
1. | Mesozoic sequence stratigraphy and paleogeographic evolution of northeast
Mexico R. K. Goldhammer and C. A. Johnson |
1 |
2. | Red beds of the Huayacocotla anticlinorium, state of Hidalgo, east-central
Mexico H. Ochoa-Camarillo, B. E. Buitrón-Sánchez, and A. Silva-Pineda |
59 |
3. | A revision of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous stratigraphic nomenclature
for the Chihuahua trough, north-central Mexico: implications for lithocorrelations R. Monreal and J. F. Longoria |
69 |
4. | Confrontation of stratigraphic methods to define the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary
in eastern Mexico subsurface A. Cantu-Chapa |
93 |
5. | Paleocene ostreids from the Las Encinas Formation (Parras basin: Difunta Group)
northeastern Mexico; stratigraphic implications F. J. Vega, M. del Carmen Perrilliat, and L. M. Mitre-Salazar |
105 |
6. | Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of the La Casita Formation (Upper Jurassic),
Cerro Los Panales, Chihuahua, Mexico G. Olmstead |
111 |
7. | Controls on the wandering path of the Cupido Reef trend in northeastern Mexico J. L. Wilson |
135 |
8. | Late Cretaceous pillow basalt, siliceous tuff and calc-turbidite near Porohui,
northern Sinaloa, Mexico G. Gastil, R. Rector, G. Hazelton, R. Al-Riyami, J. Hanes, E. Farrar, H. Boehnel, A. Ortega-Rivera, and J. Garcia Guzman |
145 |
9. | Mesozoic red bed floras in east-central Mexico and their stratigraphic relationships
with marine beds A. Silva-Pineda and B. E. Buitrón-Sánchez |
151 |
10. | Late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic history of the Las Delicias terrane, Coahuila,
Mexico J. W. McKee, N. W. Jones, and T. H. Anderson |
161 |
11. | A Permo-Triassic continental arc in eastern Mexico: Tectonic implications
for reconstructions of southern North America R. Torres, J. Ruiz, P. J. Patchett, and J. M. Grajales |
191 |
12. | Tectonic setting of pre-Oxfordian units from central and northeastern Mexico:
A review J. R. Barboza-Gudino, M. Tristán-González, and J. R. Torres-Hernández |
197 |
13. | Geology of the basement below the decollement surface, Sierra de Catorce,
San Luis Potosi, Mexico M. Franco-Rubio |
211 |
14. | The palynostratigraphical method: Basis for defining stratigraphy and age
of the Los San Pedros Allogroup, Huizachal-Peregrina anticlinorium, Mexico J. Rueda-Gaxiola, E. López-Ocampo, M. A. Dueñas, J. L. Rodriguez, and A. Torres-Rivero |
229 |
15. | Permian, Triassic and Jurassic stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and sequence
stratigraphy in the Sierra del Alamo Muerto, Sonora, Mexico S. G. Lucas and J. W. Estep |
271 |
16. | The type Mesozoic succession of northern Mexico: Cañon La Casita J. F. Longoria, D. M. Clowes, and R. Monreal |
287 |
17. | Evidence for Jurassic continental rift magmatism in northeast Mexico: Allogenic
meta-igneous blocks in El Papalote evaporite diapir, La Popa basin, Nuevo Leon,
Mexico J. M. Garrison and N. J. McMillan |
319 |
18. | Two unconformable stratigraphic relationships between Upper Jurassic red beds,
and marine sequences in northeastern and eastern Mexico subsurface A. Cantu-Chapa |
333 |
19. | The Palynostratigraphy Method: Its application to understanding the origin,
evolution and distribution of red beds J. Rueda-Gaxiola |
339 |
20. | Volcanic rock outcrops in Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi, Mexico:
Remnants of the Permian-Early Triassic magmatic arc? C. Bartolini, H. Lang, and W. Stinnesbeck |
347 |
21. | Crustal structure of northeastern Mexico revealed through the analysis of
gravity data K. Mickus and C. Montana |
357 |
Index | 373 |