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Table of Contents - Special Paper 341Argentine Precordillera |
Abstract | 1 | |
Introduction | 3 | |
Argentine Precordillera | 3 | |
Scope of the study | 4 | |
Methods | 4 | |
Regional setting of the Argentine Precordillera | 6 | |
Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic global paleographic reconstructions and the evolving terrane concept for the Argentine Precordillera | 8 | |
Occidentalia terrane | 9 | |
Texas plateau | 9 | |
Precordillera terrane | 9 | |
Cuyania terrane | 11 | |
Historical review and stratigraphy of the Argentine Precordillera | 11 | |
Cambrian | 11 | |
Ordovician | 12 | |
Silurian | 12 | |
Devonian | 13 | |
Post-Devonian | 13 | |
Structural history of the Argentine Precordillera | 13 | |
Subdivision of the Argentine Precordillera | 13 | |
Western basin | 14 | |
Eastern basin | 14 | |
Carbonate platform rocks of the Argentine Precordillera | 14 | |
La Laja Formation and equivalents | 14 | |
Lithofacies | 15 | |
Facies associations and depositional environment | 16 | |
Platform configuration | 19 | |
Sedimentary succession of the La Laja Formation | 19 | |
Evolution and sequence stratigraphy of the La Laja Formation | 20 | |
Zonda Formation | 23 | |
Lithofacies | 23 | |
Facies associations and depositional environment | 23 | |
Platform configuration | 26 | |
Sedimentary succession of the Zonda Formation | 26 | |
Evolution and sequence stratigraphy of the Zonda Formation | 26 | |
La Flecha Formation | 26 | |
Lithofacies: Mechanically deposited rocks | 28 | |
Lithofacies: Microbial boundstones and stromatolites | 28 | |
Facies associations and depositional environment | 28 | |
Platform configuration | 30 | |
Sedimentary succession of La Flecha Formation | 30 | |
Evolution and sequence stratigraphy of the Zonda and La Flecha Formations | 30 | |
La Silla Formation | 32 | |
Lithofacies | 32 | |
Facies associations and depositional environment | 34 | |
Platform configuration | 35 | |
Sedimentary succession of La Silla Formation | 36 | |
Talacasto subbasin | 36 | |
San Juan subbasin | 36 | |
Evolution and sequence stratigraphy of the La Silla Formation | 36 | |
San Juan Formation | 37 | |
Time frame of deposition | 38 | |
Lithofacies | 38 | |
Facies associations and depositional environment | 40 | |
Platform configuration | 44 | |
Sedimentary succession of the San Juan Formation | 44 | |
Evolution and sequence stratigraphy of the San Juan Formation | 46 | |
Rocks overlying the San Juan Formation | 49 | |
Conformable and unconformable successions | 49 | |
Rio Sassito section | 49 | |
Cerro La Chilca section | 50 | |
Las Chacritas section | 50 | |
Las Aguaditas section | 50 | |
Guandacol subbasin | 50 | |
Discussion | 50 | |
Don Braulio section | 51 | |
Gualcamayo Formation | 51 | |
Lithofacies and the sedimentary succession of the Gualcamayo Formation | 51 | |
La Cantera Formation | 51 | |
Sedimentary succession of the La Cantera Formation | 51 | |
Discussion | 53 | |
Don Braulio Formation | 53 | |
Lithofacies | 53 | |
Sedimentary succession of the Don Braulio Formation | 54 | |
Discussion and sequence stratigraphy of the Don Braulio Formation | 54 | |
Rinconada Formation | 54 | |
Lithofacies | 55 | |
Discussion | 56 | |
Continental margin sediments and allochthonous Cambrian and Ordovician rocks | 56 | |
La Cruz limestones | 56 | |
Discussion | 56 | |
Lithofacies | 59 | |
Interpretation and depositional environment | 60 | |
Los Sombreros Formation | 60 | |
San Isidro section | 60 | |
Los Sombrebros section | 61 | |
Ojos de Agua section | 61 | |
Los Ratones section | 61 | |
Los Túneles section | 61 | |
Time frame of deposition of the Los Sombreros Formation | 71 | |
Interpretation and depositional environment of the Los Sombreros Formation | 73 | |
Empozada Formation | 73 | |
Interpretation | 74 | |
Discussion | 75 | |
Ordovician of Ponon Trehue | 76 | |
Ponon Trehue Formation | 76 | |
Lithofacies | 76 | |
Interpretation, facies associations, and the sedimentary
succession of the Ponon Trehue Formation |
76 | |
Evolution and sequence stratigraphy of the Ponon Trehue Formation | 78 | |
Lindero Formation | 79 | |
Lithofacies | 79 | |
Interpretation, facies associations, and the sedimentary
succession of the Lindero Formation |
80 | |
Early Paleozoic evolution and paleogeography of the Argentine Precordillera — general aspects and the carbonate platform | 81 | |
General aspects | 81 | |
Size of the terrane | 81 | |
Biogeographic aspects and faunal provincialism | 82 | |
K-bentonites | 84 | |
Heavy mineral associations | 84 | |
Evolution of the carbonate platform | 85 | |
Early Cambrian | 85 | |
Middle Cambrian | 85 | |
Late Cambrian | 85 | |
Early Ordovician | 86 | |
Sea-level history of the Precordillera | 87 | |
Comparison between the carbonate platform of the Precordillera
and the eastern margin of Laurentia |
91 | |
Early Paleozoic evolution and paleogeography of the Argentine
Precordillera — the Middle Ordovician through Devonian siliciclastic successions |
96 | |
Middle Ordovician | 96 | |
Late Ordovician | 97 | |
Discussion of the Middle and Upper Ordovician evolution of the Argentine Precordillera | 98 | |
Guanadacol event | 98 | |
Silurian | 99 | |
Discussion of the Silurian evolution of the Argentine Precordillera | 99 | |
Devonian | 101 | |
Discussion of the Devonian evolution of the Argentine Precordillera | 102 | |
Geodynamic evolution of the Argentine Precordillera and its parental terrane | 102 | |
History of the Precordillera | 102 | |
Precordillera as part of Laurentia | 102 | |
Discussion | 103 | |
Argentine Precordillera as a marginal plateau to Laurentia | 104 | |
Continental breakup and the rift-drift transition | 106 | |
Discussion | 108 | |
Approach of the Argentine Precordillera toward Gondwana | 110 | |
Discussion | 110 | |
Plate tectonic scenario for the evolution of the Argentine Precordillera | 112 | |
Plate tectonic evolution of the Argentine Precordillera | 112 | |
Precordillera as part of Laurentia | 112 | |
Argentine Precordillera as an independent microplate | 112 | |
Argentine Precordillera in the conservative models | 114 | |
Argentine Precordillera as part of Gondwana: Precordillera in the alternative models | 114 | |
Discussion | 115 | |
Epilogue | 115 | |
Remaining questions | 115 | |
Acknowledgments | 116 | |
Appendix | 117 | |
References cited | 118 |