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Table of Contents - Special Paper 343

Tectonics of the Coast Mountains, Southeastern Alaska and British Columbia

Preface v
1. Terrane assembly and structural relationships in the eastern Prince Rupert quadrangle, British Columbia
M. L. Crawford, W. A. Crawford, and G. E. Gehrels
2. Yukon-Tanana terrane in the Scotia-Quaal belt, Coast Plutonic Complex, central-western British Columbia
S. A. Gareau and G. J. Woodsworth
3. The Central Gneiss Complex, Coast Mountains, British Columbia
L. S. Hollister and C. Andronicos
4. Reconnaissance geology and U-Pb geochronology of the west flank of the Coast Mountains between Bella Coola and Prince Rupert, coastal British Columbia
G. E. Gehrels and N. D. Boghossian
5. Nd isotopic signature of metasedimentary pendants in the Coast Mountains between Prince Rupert and Bella Coola, British Columbia
N.D. Boghossian and G. E. Gehrels
6. Late Cretaceous evolution of the eastern Coast Mountains, Bella Coola, British Columbia
M. E. Rusmore, G. J. Woodsworth, and G. E. Gehrels
7. Geochronologic investigations along the Alexander-Taku terrane boundary, southern Revillagigedo Island to Cape Fox areas, southeast Alaska
J. B. Saleeby
8. U-Pb geochronology of mid-Cretaceous and Tertiary plutons along the western edge of the Coast Mountains, Revillagigedo Island, and Portland Peninsula, southeast Alaska
C. M. Rubin and J. B. Saleeby
9. Cretaceous-Tertiary evolution of the western Coast Mountains, central southeastern Alaska
W. C. McClelland and J. M. Mattinson
10. One-dimensional thermal models of metamorphism resulting from the Coast Plutonic Complex sill, northern Coast Mountains, southeastern Alaska
H. H. Stowell and M. A. Pike
11. Progressive deformation associated with mid-Cretaceous to Tertiary contractional tectonism in the Juneau gold belt, Coast Mountains, southeastern Alaska
L. D. Miller, H. H. Stowell, and G. E. Gehrels
12. Reconnaissance geology and U-Pb geochronology of the western flank of the Coast Mountains between Juneau and Skagway, southeastern Alaska
G. E. Gehrels
13. Geochemistry and tectonic setting of basaltic volcanism, northern Coast Mountains, southeastern Alaska
H. H. Stowell, N. L. Green, and R. J. Hooper
14. Metamorphic history of the Coast Mountains orogen, western British Columbia and southeastern Alaska
H. H. Stowell and M. L. Crawford
Index 285