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Table of Contents - Special Paper 347

Paleozoic and Triassic Paleogeography and Tectonics of Western Nevada and Northern California

Introduction to detrital zircon studies of Paleozoic and Triasssic strata in western Nevada and northern California 1
1. Detrital zircon geochronology of the Roberts Mountains allochthon, Nevada
G.E. Gehrels, W.R. Dickinson, B.C.D. Riley, S.C. Finney, and M.T. Smith
2. Detrital zircon geochronology of the Shoo Fly Complex, northern Sierra terrane, northeastern California
J.P. Harding, G.E. Gehrels, D.S. Harwood, and G.H. Girty
3. Detrital zircon geochronology of the Antler overlap and foreland basin assemblages, Nevada
G.E. Gehrels and W.R. Dickinson
4. U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology of the Golconda allochthon, Nevada
B.C.D. Riley, W.S. Snyder, and G.E. Gehrels
5. Provenance and paleogeography of the Black Rock terrane, northwestern Nevada: Implications of U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology
B.J. Darby, S.J. Wyld, and G.E. Gehrels
6. Detrital zircon geochronology of upper Paleozoic and lower Mesozoic strata of the northern Sierra terrane, northeastern California
M.S. Spurlin, G.E. Gehrels, and D.S. Harwood
7. Detrital zircon geochronologic study of upper Paleozoic strata in the eastern Klamath terrane, northern California
G.E. Gehrels and M.M. Miller
8. Detrital zircon geochronology of Upper Triassic strata in western Nevada
J.D. Manuszak, J.I. Satterfield, and G.E. Gehrels
9. Provenance of the Antelope Mountain Quartzite, Yreka terrane, California: Evidence for large-scale late Paleozoic sinistral displacement along the North American Cordilleran margin and implications for the mid-Paleozoic fringing-arc model
E.T. Wallin, R.C. Noto, and G.E. Gehrels
10. Tectonic implications of detrital zircon data from Paleozoic and Triassic strata in western Nevada and northern California
G.E. Gehrels, W.R. Dickinson, B.J. Darby, J.P. Harding, J.D. Manuszak, B.C.D. Riley, M.S. Spurlin, S.C. Finney, G.H. Girty, D.S. Harwood, M.M. Miller, J.I. Satterfield, M.T. Smith, W.S. Snyder, E.T. Wallin, and S.J. Wyld
11. Sandstone petrofacies of detrital zircon samples from Paleozoic and Triassic strata in suspect terranes of northern Nevada and California
W.R. Dickinson and G.E. Gehrels
12. Bootstrap technique and the location of the source of siliciclastic detritus in the lower Paleozoic Shoo Fly Complex, northern Sierra terrane, California
G.H. Girty and J.L. Lawrence
13. Triassic evolution of the arc and backarc of northwestern Nevada, and evidence for extensional tectonism
S.J. Wyld
14. Geodynamic interpretation of Paleozoic tectonic trends oriented oblique to the Mesozoic Klamath-Sierran continental margin in California
W.R. Dickinson
Index 247