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Table of Contents - Special Paper 348Theory, Modeling, and Field Investigation in Hydrogeology: A Special Volume in Honor of Shlomo P. Neuman’s 60th Birthday |
Preface | |
1 | Four decades of inverse problems in hydrogeology G. de Marsily, J.P. Delhomme, A. Coudrain-Ribstein, A.M. Lavenue |
2 | The permeability variogram from pressure transients of multiple wells Y.C. Yortsos |
3 | Connected-network paradigm for the alluvial aquifer system G.E. Fogg, S.F. Carle, and C. Green |
4 | Application of stochastic theory in groundwater contamination risk analysis: Suggestions for the consulting geologist and/or engineer T. Harter |
5 | Wetting front instability and fingering in random permeability fields G. Chen, S.P. Neuman, and R.G. Hills |
6 | Nonergodic solute transport in heterogeneous porous media: Influence of multiscale structure Y.-K. Zhang and V. Di Federico |
7 | Stochastic analysis of groundwater pumping from bounded, randomly heterogenous aquifers A. Guadagnini and D.M. Tartakovsky |
8 | Effective hydraulic conductivity in multiscale random fields with truncated power variograms V. Di Federico and D.M. Tartakovsky |
9 | General first-order expressions for solute transport in two- and three-dimensional randomly heterogeneous porous media K.-C. Hsu |
10 | Gaussian analysis of one-dimensional unsaturated flow in randomly heterogeneous soils O. Amir and S.P. Neuman |
11 | Numerical estimation of effective hydraulic conductivity in leaky heterogeneous aquitards E.K. Paleologos, T.S. Sarris, and A. Desbarats |
12 | Waterdrive dynamics and enhanced land subsidence over productive gas fields: Application to Dosso degli Angeli reservoir, Ravenna, Italy D. Baú, G. Gambolati, and P. Teatini |
13 | Numerical modeling of coupled hydrological phenomena using the modified Eulerian–Lagrangian method S. Sorek, V. Borisov, and A. Yakirevich |
14 | Tensiometry in fractured rocks B. Faybishenko and S. Finsterle |
15 | Numerical inverse interpretation of multistep transient single-hole pneumatic tests in unsaturated fractured tuffs at the Apache Leap Research Site V.V. Vesselinov and S.P. Neuman |
16 | Type-curve interpretation of transient single-hole pneumatic injection tests in unsaturated fractured tuffs at the Apache Leap Research Site W.A. Illman |
17 | Support volume and scale effect in hydraulic conductivity: Experimental aspects V.A. Zlotnik, B.R. Zurbuchen, T. Ptak, and G. Teutsch |
Appendix: Color Figures | |
Index | |
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