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Table of Contents - Special Paper 348

Theory, Modeling, and Field Investigation in Hydrogeology: A Special Volume in Honor of Shlomo P. Neuman’s 60th Birthday

1 Four decades of inverse problems in hydrogeology
G. de Marsily, J.P. Delhomme, A. Coudrain-Ribstein, A.M. Lavenue
2 The permeability variogram from pressure transients of multiple wells
Y.C. Yortsos
3 Connected-network paradigm for the alluvial aquifer system
G.E. Fogg, S.F. Carle, and C. Green
4 Application of stochastic theory in groundwater contamination risk analysis: Suggestions for the consulting geologist and/or engineer
T. Harter
5 Wetting front instability and fingering in random permeability fields
G. Chen, S.P. Neuman, and R.G. Hills
6 Nonergodic solute transport in heterogeneous porous media: Influence of multiscale structure
Y.-K. Zhang and V. Di Federico
7 Stochastic analysis of groundwater pumping from bounded, randomly heterogenous aquifers
A. Guadagnini and D.M. Tartakovsky
8 Effective hydraulic conductivity in multiscale random fields with truncated power variograms
V. Di Federico and D.M. Tartakovsky
9 General first-order expressions for solute transport in two- and three-dimensional randomly heterogeneous porous media
K.-C. Hsu
10 Gaussian analysis of one-dimensional unsaturated flow in randomly heterogeneous soils
O. Amir and S.P. Neuman
11 Numerical estimation of effective hydraulic conductivity in leaky heterogeneous aquitards
E.K. Paleologos, T.S. Sarris, and A. Desbarats
12 Waterdrive dynamics and enhanced land subsidence over productive gas fields: Application to Dosso degli Angeli reservoir, Ravenna, Italy
D. Baú, G. Gambolati, and P. Teatini
13 Numerical modeling of coupled hydrological phenomena using the modified Eulerian–Lagrangian method
S. Sorek, V. Borisov, and A. Yakirevich
14 Tensiometry in fractured rocks
B. Faybishenko and S. Finsterle
15 Numerical inverse interpretation of multistep transient single-hole pneumatic tests in unsaturated fractured tuffs at the Apache Leap Research Site
V.V. Vesselinov and S.P. Neuman
16 Type-curve interpretation of transient single-hole pneumatic injection tests in unsaturated fractured tuffs at the Apache Leap Research Site
W.A. Illman
17 Support volume and scale effect in hydraulic conductivity: Experimental aspects
V.A. Zlotnik, B.R. Zurbuchen, T. Ptak, and G. Teutsch
Appendix: Color Figures
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