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Table of Contents - Special Paper 351Deglacial History and Relative Sea-Level Changes, Northern New England and Adjacent Canada |
Preface | ||
1. | Changing paradigms of surficial geology in Maine: From the biblical flood to glaciation Harold W. Borns, Jr. |
1 |
2. | Deglaciation of the Gulf of Maine Detmar Schnitker, Daniel F. Belknap, Tania S. Bacchus, Julie K. Friez, Barbara A. Lusardi, and Daniel M. Popek |
9 |
3. | Glaciation and relative sea-level change in Maritime Canada Rudolph R. Stea, Gordon B.J. Fader, David B. Scott, and Patrick Wu |
35 |
4. | Late Wisconsinan ice advances, ice extent, and glacial regimes interpreted from seismic data, sediment physical properties, and Foraminifera: Halibut Channel, Grand Banks
of Newfoundland Ann A.L. Miller, Gordon B.J. Fader, and Kathryn Moran |
51 |
5. | Deglaciation of western Maine Woodrow B. Thompson |
109 |
6. | Late Quaternary morphogenesis of a marine-limit delta plain in southwest Maine Anna K. Tary, Duncan M. Fitzgerald, and Ilya V. Buynevich |
125 |
7. | Morainal banks and the deglaciation of coastal Maine Lewis E. Hunter and Geoffrey W. Smith |
151 |
8. | Atmospheric 14C chronology for late Wisconsinan deglaciation and
sea-level change in eastern New England using varve and paleomagnetic records John C. Ridge, Brandy A. Canwell, Meredith A. Kelly, and Sharon Z. Kelley |
171 |
9. | Deglaciation and relative sea-level chronology, Casco Bay Lowland and lower Androscoggin River valley, Maine Michael J. Retelle and Thomas K. Weddle |
191 |
10. | Stratigraphy, paleoceanography, chronology, and environment during deglaciation of eastern Maine Christopher C. Dorion, Gregory A. Balco, Michael R. Kaplan, Karl J. Kreutz, James D. Wright, and Harold W. Borns, Jr. |
215 |
11. | Late Wisconsinan glacial dynamics, deglaciation, and marine invasion in southern Québec Serge Occhietti, Michel Parent, William W. Shilts, Jean-Claude Dionne, Étienne Govare, and Dominique Harmand |
243 |
12. | Relative sea-level changes in the St. Lawrence estuary from glaciation to
present day Jean-Claude Dionne |
271 |
Index | 285 |