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Table of Contents - Special Paper 351

Deglacial History and Relative Sea-Level Changes, Northern New England and Adjacent Canada

1. Changing paradigms of surficial geology in Maine: From the biblical flood to glaciation
Harold W. Borns, Jr.
2. Deglaciation of the Gulf of Maine
Detmar Schnitker, Daniel F. Belknap, Tania S. Bacchus, Julie K. Friez, Barbara A. Lusardi, and Daniel M. Popek
3. Glaciation and relative sea-level change in Maritime Canada
Rudolph R. Stea, Gordon B.J. Fader, David B. Scott, and Patrick Wu
4. Late Wisconsinan ice advances, ice extent, and glacial regimes interpreted from seismic data, sediment physical properties, and Foraminifera: Halibut Channel, Grand Banks of Newfoundland
Ann A.L. Miller, Gordon B.J. Fader, and Kathryn Moran
5. Deglaciation of western Maine
Woodrow B. Thompson
6. Late Quaternary morphogenesis of a marine-limit delta plain in southwest Maine
Anna K. Tary, Duncan M. Fitzgerald, and Ilya V. Buynevich
7. Morainal banks and the deglaciation of coastal Maine
Lewis E. Hunter and Geoffrey W. Smith
8. Atmospheric 14C chronology for late Wisconsinan deglaciation and sea-level change in eastern New England using varve and paleomagnetic records
John C. Ridge, Brandy A. Canwell, Meredith A. Kelly, and Sharon Z. Kelley
9. Deglaciation and relative sea-level chronology, Casco Bay Lowland and lower Androscoggin River valley, Maine
Michael J. Retelle and Thomas K. Weddle
10. Stratigraphy, paleoceanography, chronology, and environment during deglaciation of eastern Maine
Christopher C. Dorion, Gregory A. Balco, Michael R. Kaplan, Karl J. Kreutz, James D. Wright, and Harold W. Borns, Jr.
11. Late Wisconsinan glacial dynamics, deglaciation, and marine invasion in southern Québec
Serge Occhietti, Michel Parent, William W. Shilts, Jean-Claude Dionne, Étienne Govare, and Dominique Harmand
12. Relative sea-level changes in the St. Lawrence estuary from glaciation to present day
Jean-Claude Dionne
Index 285