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Table of Contents - Special Paper 352Mantle Plumes: Their Identification Through Time |
Introduction |
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Section I. Overview |
1. | Identification of ancient mantle plumes Ian H. Campbell |
5 |
Section II: Lessons from Mesozoic and Cenozoic Examples |
2. | Cenozoic plume evolution and flood basalts in Yemen: A key to understanding older examples Martin Menzies, Joel Baker, and Gilles Chazot |
23 |
3. | Intraplate magmatism related to short-wavelength convective instabilities in the upper mantle: Evidence from the Tertiary-Quaternary volcanic province of western and central Europe Marjorie Wilson and Robert Patterson |
37 |
4. | Large igneous provinces: Progenitors of
some ophiolites? Millard F. Coffin and Olav Eldholm |
59 |
5. | The location of mantle-plume centers during the initial stages of Gondwana breakup Bryan C. Storey, Philip T. Leat, and Julie K. Ferris |
71 |
Section III: Lessons from Mars and Venus |
6. | Large flow fields on Venus: Implications for plumes, rift associations, and resurfacing Kari P. Magee and James W. Head |
81 |
7. | Contractional effects of mantle plumes on Earth, Mars, and Venus Daniel Mège and Richard E. Ernst |
103 |
8. | Uniformitarian plume tectonics: The post-Archean Earth and Mars Daniel Mège |
141 |
9. | Concentric dikes on the flanks of Pavonis Mons: Implications for the evolution of martian shield volcanoes and mantle plumes Laurent G.J. Montési |
165 |
Section IV: Techniques to Locate Plumes |
10. | Elevation as indicator of mantle-plume activity A.M. Celâl Sengör |
183 |
11. | The sedimentary record of mantle-plume uplift Robert H. Rainbird and Richard E. Ernst |
227 |
12. | The use of mafic dike swarms in identifying and locating mantle plumes Richard E. Ernst and Kenneth L. Buchan |
247 |
13. | Carbonatites: Relationships to mantle-plume activity Keith Bell |
267 |
14. | Deep-mantle plumes and ore deposits Don Schissel and Ross Smail |
291 |
Section V: Early Precambrian Plumes |
15. | Oceanic upwelling and mantle-plume activity: Paleomagnetic tests of ideas on the source of the Fe in early Precambrian iron formations Dallas Abbott and Ann Isley |
323 |
16. | Archean mantle plumes: Evidence from greenstone belt geochemistry Kirsty Y. Tomlinson and Kent C. Condie |
341 |
17. | The oldest continental and oceanic plateaus: Geochemistry of basalts and komatiites of the Pilbara Craton, Australia Nicholas Arndt, Gudrun Bruzak, and Thomas Reischmann |
359 |
Section VI: Compilations |
18. | Rifts of the world A.M. Celâl Sengör and Boris A. Natal'in |
389 |
19. | Large mafic magmatic events through time and links to mantle-plume heads Richard E. Ernst and Kenneth L. Buchan |
483 |
Index |