GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 358

Geology and Geophysics of an Arc-Continent Collision

Edited by Timothy B. Byrne and Char-Shine Liu

Preface: Introduction to the geology and geophysics of Taiwan
1. Structural expressions of flexural extension in an arc-continent collisional foredeep of western Taiwan
Ying-Wei Chou and Ho-Shing Yu
2. Inversion tectonics of the fold-and-thrust belt, western Taiwan
Chung-I Lee, Yu-Long Chang, and Mike P. Coward
3. Variations along the strike of the Taiwan thrust belt: Basement control on structural style, wedge geometry, and kinematics
F. Mouthereau, B. Deffontaines, O. Lacombe, and J. Angelier
4. Synchroneity and morphology of Holocene river terraces in the southern Western Foothills, Taiwan: A guide to interpreting and correlating erosional river terraces across growing anticlines
Meng-Long Hsieh and Peter L.K. Knuepfer
5. Structure and evolution of the active fold-and-thrust belt of southwestern Taiwan from Global Positioning System analysis
John B. Hickman, David V. Wiltschko, Jih-Hao Hung, Peng Fang, and Yehuda Bock
6. Taiwan Slate Belt: Insights into the ductile interior of an arc-continent collision
Donald M. Fisher, Chia-Yu Lu, and Hao-Tsu Chu
7. Lateral extrusion in a transpressional collision zone: An example from the pre-Tertiary metamorphic basement of Taiwan
Michael H. Pulver, Jean M. Crespi, and Timothy B. Byrne
8. Estimation of thermal structure of a young orogenic belt according to a model of whole-crust thickening
Teh-Ru Alex Song and Kuo-Fong Ma
9. Synorogenic extension, Taiwan: Implications of physical and numerical modeling
Wei-Hau Wang and Wen-Jie Hung
10. Transition tectonics of northern Taiwan induced by convergence and trench retreat
Jyr-Ching Hu, Shui-Beih Yu, Hao-Tsu Chu, and Jacques Angelier
11. Crustal structure of the convergent plate-boundary zone, eastern Taiwan, assessed by seismic tomography
Win-Bin Cheng, Chengsung Wang, Chuen-Tien Shyu, and Tzay-Chyn Shin
12. Compressional subduction regime and initial arc-continent collision: Numerical modeling
J.-C. Tang, A.I. Chemenda, J. Chéry, S. Lallemand, and R. Hassani
13. Arc-continent collision in Taiwan: New marine observations and tectonic evolution
Jacques Malavieille, Serge E. Lallemand, Stephane Dominguez, Anne Deschamps, Chia-Yu Lu, Char-Shine Liu, Philippe Schnürle, and the ACT Scientific Crew