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Table of Contents - Special Paper 364Variscan-Appalachian dynamics: The building of the late Paleozoic basementEdited by José R. Martínez Catalán, Robert D. Hatcher, Jr., Ricardo Arenas, and Florentino Díaz García |
Preface | v | |
1. | Alternative approach to the Variscan Belt in southwestern Europe: Preorogenic paleobiogeographical constraints Michel Robardet |
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2. | Stratigraphic record of preorogenic to synorogenic sedimentation, and tectonic evolution of imbricate units in the Alcañices synform (northwestern Iberian Massif) Emilio González Clavijo and José R. Martínez Catalán |
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3. | Tectonic setting of the Monte Castelo gabbro (Ordenes Complex, northwestern Iberian Massif): Evidence for an arc-related terrane in the hanging wall to the Variscan suture P. Andonaegui, J. González del Tánago, R. Arenas, J. Abati, J.R. Martínez Catalán, M. Peinado, and F. Díaz García |
37 |
4. | Early Devonian suprasubduction-zone ophiolite related to incipient collisional processes in the Western Variscan Belt: The Sierra de Careón unit, Ordenes Complex, Galicia C. Pin, J.L. Paquette, J.F. Santos Zalduegui, and J.I. Gil Ibarguchi |
57 |
5. | Prograde development of corona textures in metagabbros of the Sobrado unit (Ordenes Complex, northwestern Iberian Massif) Ricardo Arenas and José R. Martínez Catalán |
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6. | Variscan pressure-temperature evolution of garnet pyroxenites and amphibolites in the Baie d'Audierne metamorphic series, Brittany (France) Harald Lucks, Bernhard Schulz, Claude Audren, and Claude Triboulet |
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7. | Contrasting high-pressure metabasites from the Santiago unit (Ordenes Complex, northwestern Iberian Massif, Spain) F.J. Rubio Pascual, R. Arenas, F. Díaz García, J.R. Martínez Catalán, and J. Abati |
105 |
8. | Structural record during exhumation and emplacement of high-pressure-low- to intermediate- temperature rocks in the Malpica-Tui unit (Variscan Belt of Iberia) S. Llana-Fúnez and A. Marcos |
125 |
9. | Tectonic framework of the Cabo Ortegal Complex: A slab of lower crust exhumed in the Variscan orogen (northwestern Iberian Peninsula) A. Marcos, P. Farias, G. Galán, F.J. Fernández, and S. Llana-Fúnez |
143 |
10. | Thrust and detachment systems in the Ordenes Complex (northwestern Spain): Implications for the Variscan-Appalachian geodynamics José R. Martínez Catalán, Florentino Díaz García, Ricardo Arenas, Jacobo Abati,Pedro Castiñeiras, Pablo González Cuadra, Juan Gómez Barreiro, and Francisco J. Rubio Pascual |
163 |
11. | Cross section through the central part of the Iberian Pyrite Belt, South Portuguese zone (Spain) Carles Soriano and Josep Maria Casas |
183 |
12. | Alleghanian (Appalachian) orogeny, a product of zipper tectonics: Rotational transpressive continent-continent collision and closing of ancient oceans along irregular margins Robert D. Hatcher Jr. |
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13. | Megadisplacements and the Hercynian orogen of Gondwanan France and Iberia David Shelley and Gérard Bossière |
209 |
14. | Transcurrent strain partitioning along a suture zone in the Maures massif (France): Result of eastern indenter tectonics in European Variscides? J.-P. Bellot, G. Bronner, and C. Laverne |
223 |
15. | Variscides between the Appalachians and the Urals: Similarities and differences between Paleozoic subduction and collision belts Philippe Matte |
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16. | Opposite subduction polarities connected by transform faults in the Iberian Massif and western European Variscides Fernando Simancas, Francisco González Lodeiro, Inmaculada Expósito Ramos, Antonio Azor, and David Martínez Poyatos |
253 |
17. | Paleozoic evolution of pre-Variscan terranes: From Gondwana to the Variscan collision Gérard M. Stampfli, Jürgen F. von Raumer, and Gilles D. Borel |
263 |
18. | Review of seismic reflector signatures of crustal deformation in the Appalachian-Caledonide orogen with reference to the Spanish Variscides and the Uralides John H. McBride and James H. Knapp |
281 |
Index | 301 |