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Table of Contents - Special Paper 365Contributions to Crustal Evolution of the Southwestern United StatesEdited by Andrew Barth |
reface | v | |
1. | Perry L. Ehlig: Career and Contributions, 1927-1999 John C. Crowell |
1 |
2. | Neoproterozoic and Cambrian strata of Sonora, Mexico: Rodinian supercontinent to Laurentian Cordilleran margin John H. Stewart, Ricardo Amaya-Martínez, and A.R. Palmer |
5 |
3. | Controls on orogenesis along an ocean-continent margin transition in the Jura-Cretaceous Peninsular Ranges batholith K.L. Schmidt, P.H. Wetmore, S.E. Johnson, and S.R. Paterson |
49 |
4. | Structural and tectonic evolution of Mesozoic basement-involved fold nappes and thrust faults in the Dome Rock Mountains, Arizona Stefan S. Boettcher, Sharon Mosher, and Richard M. Tosdal |
73 |
5. | The Orocopia Schist in southwest Arizona: Early Tertiary oceanic rocks trapped or transported far inland Gordon B. Haxel, Carl E. Jacobson, Stephen M. Richard, Richard M. Tosdal, and Michael J. Grubensky |
99 |
6. | Exhumation history of the Orocopia Schist and related rocks in the Gavilan Hills area of southeasternmost California Carl E. Jacobson, Marty Grove, Matthew M. Stamp, Ana Vucic, Felix R. Oyarzabal, Gordon B. Haxel, Richard M. Tosdal, and David R. Sherrod |
129 |
7. | Pelona Schist, Perry Ehlig, and the archipelago model of orogenesis Kenneth Hsu |
155 |
8. | Middle Miocene reconstruction of the central and eastern San Gabriel Mountains, southern California, with implications for evolution of the San Gabriel fault and Los Angeles basin Jonathan A. Nourse |
161 |
9. | The Conejo Volcanics and other Miocene volcanic suites in southwestern California Peter W. Weigand, Karen L. Savage, and Craig Nicholson |
187 |
10. | Controls on the erosion and geomorphic evolution of the San Bernardino and San Gabriel Mountains, southern California James A. Spotila, Martha A. House, Ann E. Blythe, Nathan A. Niemi, and Gregory C. Bank |
205 |
11. | Low-temperature thermochronology of the San Gabriel and San Bernardino Mountains, southern California: Constraining structural evolution Ann E. Blythe, Martha A. House, and James A. Spotila |
231 |
12. | Stratigraphic record of Pleistocene initiation and slip on the Coyote Creek fault, Lower Coyote Creek, southern California Rebecca J. Dorsey |
251 |
13. | The relation of the southern San Jacinto fault zone to the Imperial and Cerro Prieto faults Harold Magistrale |
271 |
14. | Convergence, block rotation, and structural interference across the Peninsular-Transverse Ranges boundary, eastern Santa Monica Mountains, California Andrew J. Meigs and Michael E. Oskin |
279 |
15. | Penetrative strain at shallow crustal levels: The role of pressure solution in accommodating regional shortening strain, Ventura basin, western Transverse Ranges, California Ernest M. Duebendorfer and Karin L. Meyer |
295 |
Index | 315 |