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Table of Contents - Special Paper 366

Late Cenozoic Evaporite Tectonism and Volcanism in West-Central Colorado

Edited by Robert M. Kirkham, Robert B. Scott, and Thomas W. Judkins

  1. Introduction to late Cenozoic evaporite tectonism and volcanism in west-central Colorado
Robert M. Kirkham and Robert B. Scott
  2. Late Cenozoic tectonic and geomorphic framework surrounding the evaporite dissolution area in west-central Colorado
Thomas A. Steven
  3. Tertiary cooling and tectonic history of the White River uplift, Gore Range, and western Front Range, central Colorado: Evidence from fission-track and 40Ar/ 39Ar ages
C.W. Naeser, Bruce Bryant, M.J. Kunk, Karl Kellogg, R.A. Donelick, and W.J. Perry Jr.
  4. Implications for evaporite tectonism in the Carbondale and Eagle collapse centers of west-central Colorado, based on reprocessed seismic reflection data
William J. Perry Jr., John J. Miller, and Robert B. Scott
  5. Evaporite tectonism in the lower Roaring Fork River valley, west-central Colorado
Robert M. Kirkham, Randall K. Streufert, Michael J. Kunk, James R. Budahn, Mark R. Hudson, and William J. Perry Jr.
  6. Eagle collapse center: Interpretation of evidence for late Cenozoic evaporite-related deformation in the Eagle River basin, Colorado
D.J. Lidke, M.R. Hudson, R.B. Scott, R.R. Shroba, M.J. Kunk, W.J. Perry Jr., R.M. Kirkham, J.R. Budahn, R.K. Streufert, J.O. Stanley, and B.L. Widmann
  7. Late Cenozoic deformation by evaporite tectonism in the Grand Hogback monocline, southwest of the White River uplift, Colorado
Robert B. Scott, Bruce Bryant, and William J. Perry Jr.
  8. Dissolved-solids-load contributions of the Pennsylvanian Eagle Valley Evaporite to the Colorado River, west-central Colorado
Daniel T. Chafin and David L. Butler
  9. Geologic setting, character, and potential hazards for evaporite-related sinkholes in Eagle and Garfield Counties, northwestern Colorado
Ralph G. Mock
10. Correlation of late Cenozoic basaltic lava flows in the Carbondale and Eagle collapse centers in west-central Colorado based on geochemical, isotopic, age, and petrologic data
James R. Budahn, Daniel M. Unruh, Michael J. Kunk, Frank M. Byers Jr., Robert M. Kirkham, and Randall K. Streufert
11. Paleomagnetic investigation of the structural deformation and magnetostratigraphy of Neogene basaltic flows in western Colorado
M.R. Hudson, S.S. Harlan, and R.M. Kirkham
12. 40Ar/ 39Ar ages of late Cenozoic volcanic rocks within and around the Carbondale and Eagle collapse centers, Colorado: Constraints on the timing of evaporite-related collapse and incision of the Colorado River
Michael J. Kunk, James R. Budahn, Daniel M. Unruh, Josette O. Stanley, Robert M. Kirkham, Bruce Bryant, Robert B. Scott, David J. Lidke, and Randall K. Streufert