GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 367

Evolution of Ridge Basin, Southern California: An Interplay of Sedimentation and Tectonics

Edited by John C. Crowell

Dedication v
Preface vii
1. Introduction to geology of Ridge Basin, southern California
John C. Crowell
2. Depositional systems and sedimentary facies of the Miocene-Pliocene Ridge Basin Group, Ridge Basin, southern California
Martin H. Link
3. Overview of rocks bordering Ridge Basin, southern California
John C. Crowell
4. Tectonic significance of the middle Miocene Mint Canyon and Caliente Formations, southern California
Keith W. Ehlert
5. Ridge Basin and San Gabriel fault in the Castaic Lowland, southern California
Robert S. Yeats and Leonard T. Stitt
6. Tectonics of Ridge Basin region, southern California
John C. Crowell
7. Guide to field stops, Ridge Basin, southern California
Martin H. Link and John C. Crowell