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Table of Contents - Special Paper 369Causes and Consequences of Globally Warm Climates in the Early PaleogeneEdited by Scott L. Wing, Philip D. Gingerich, Birger Schmitz, and Ellen Thomas |
Preface | |
Climate Mechanisms and Models |
1. | Marine-terrestrial linkages at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary |
2. | Excess barite accumulation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Massive input of dissolved barium from seafloor gas hydrate reservoirs |
3. | Early Paleogene oceans and climate: A fully coupled modeling approach using the NCAR CCSM |
4. | Carbon and oxygen isotope records from paleosols spanning the Paleocene-Eocene boundary, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming |
5. | Terrestrial climatic response to precessional orbital forcing in the Eocene |
6. | Estimating latest Cretaceous and Tertiary atmospheric CO2 from stomatal indices Marine Biotas, Environments, and Climate Change |
7. | Middle to upper Eocene dysoxic-anoxic Kuma Formation (northeast Peri-Tethys): Biostratigraphy and paleoenvironments |
8. | Late Paleocene-early Eocene dinoflagellate cyst records from the Tethys: Further observations on the global distribution of Apectodinium |
9. | Paleoproductivity of the northwestern Tethyan margin (Anthering Section, Austria) across the Paleocene-Eocene transition |
10. | Paleocene-Eocene boundary events in the northeastern Peri-Tethys |
11. | Diatom turnover in the early Paleogene diatomite of the Sengiley section, Middle Povolzhie, Russia: A response to the Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum? |
12. | Paleocene biota of the West Siberian plain |
13. | Basal Ilerdian (earliest Eocene) turnover of larger foraminifera: Age constraints based on calcareous plankton and d13C isotopic profiles from new southern Pyrenean sections (Spain) |
14. | Ecological development of acarininids (planktonic foraminifera) and hydrographic evolution of Paleocene surface waters |
15. | Early Paleogene transgressions: Stratigraphical and sedimentological evidence from the northern Peri-Tethys |
16. | A paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the early late Paleocene North Sea from intrashell d18O and d13C profiles of mollusks |
17. | Danian-Selandian sea-level change and biotic excursion on the southern Tethyan margin (Egypt) |
18. | Palynology, paleoenvironments, and organic carbon isotope evolution in lagoonal Paleocene-Eocene boundary settings in North Belgium |
19. | Extinction and food at the seafloor: A high-resolution benthic foraminiferal record across the Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum, Southern Ocean Site 690 |
Continental Biotas, Environments, and Climate Change |
20. | Cobham Lignite Bed and penecontemporaneous macrofloras of southern England: A record of vegetation and fire across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum |
21. | Terrestrial vegetation record across the initial Eocene thermal maximum at the Tawanui marine section, New Zealand |
22. | Plant communities and climate change in southeastern Australia during the early Paleogene |
23. | Geographic patterns in the floral response to Paleocene-Eocene warming |
24. | Paleogene West Antarctic climate and vegetation history in light of new data from King George Island |
25. | Status of plant megafossils during the early Paleogene in India |
26. | Floral change during the Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming |
27. | Lacertilian faunal change across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in Europe |
28. | Mammalian faunal turnover in the Eocene of central Europe |
29. | Mammalian responses to climate change at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary: Polecat Bench record in the northern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming |
30. | Evidence for direct mammalian faunal interchange between Europe and Asia near the Paleocene-Eocene boundary |
31. | Rare taxa, biostratigraphy, and the Wasatchian-Bridgerian boundary in North America |
32. | Terrestrial mammals as biostratigraphic indicators in upper Paleocene-lower Eocene marine deposits of the southern North Sea Basin |
33. | Biostratigraphic, chemostratigraphic, and magnetostratigraphic study across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in the Hengyang Basin, Hunan, China |
34. | Paleogene paleosols of Big Bend National Park, Texas |
Integrated Stratigraphic Framework |
35. | Chronostratigraphic terminology at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary |
36. | Cyclostratigraphy of upper Paleocene and lower Eocene sediments at Blake Nose Site 1051 (western North Atlantic) |