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Table of Contents - Special Paper 371

Geology of a transpressional orogen developed during ridge-trench interaction along the North Pacific margin

Edited by Virginia B. Sisson, Sarah M. Roeske, and Terry L. Pavlis

Introduction: An overview of ridge-trench interactions in modern and ancient settings
Virginia B. Sisson, Terry L. Pavlis, Sarah M. Roeske, and Derek J. Thorkelson
1. Geologic signature of early Tertiary ridge subduction in Alaska
Dwight Bradley, Tim Kusky, Peter Haeussler, Rich Goldfarb, Marti Miller, Julie Dumoulin, Steven W. Nelson, and Sue Karl
2. Large-scale, latest Cretaceous uplift along the northeast Pacific Rim: Evidence from sediment volume, sandstone petrography, and Nd isotope signatures of the Kodiak Formation, Kodiak Islands, Alaska
James C. Sample and Mary R. Reid
3. Cooling and exhumation history of the Kodiak accretionary prism, southwest Alaska
W.S. Clendenen, Donald Fisher, and Timothy Byrne
4. Sedimentary record of transpressional tectonics and ridge subduction in the Tertiary Matanuska Valley-Talkeetna Mountains forearc basin, southern Alaska
Jeffrey M. Trop, Kenneth D. Ridgway, and Terry L. Spell
5. Brittle deformation along the Gulf of Alaska margin in response to Paleocene-Eocene triple junction migration
Peter J. Haeussler, Dwight C. Bradley, and Richard J. Goldfarb
6. Dextral-slip reactivation of an arc-forearc boundary during Late Cretaceous-Early Eocene oblique convergence in the northern Cordillera
Sarah M. Roeske, Lawrence W. Snee, and Terry L. Pavlis
7. Constrictional flow within the Eocene forearc of southern Alaska: An effect of dextral shear during ridge subduction
Terry L. Pavlis, Kevin Marty, and Virginia B. Sisson
8. Development of a subhorizontal decoupling horizon in a transpressional system, Chugach metamorphic complex, Alaska: Evidence for rheological stratification of the crust
Terry L. Pavlis and Virginia B. Sisson
9. Pressure and temperature conditions of brittle-ductile vein emplacement in the greenschist facies, Chugach metamorphic complex, Alaska: Evidence from fluid inclusions
Jill Weinberger and Virginia B. Sisson
10. Oxygen isotope constraints on fluid infiltration associated with high-temperature-low-pressure metamorphism (Chugach metamorphic complex) within the Eocene southern Alaska forearc
John R. Bowman, Virginia B. Sisson, John W. Valley, and Terry L. Pavlis
11. Metamorphism within the Chugach accretionary complex on southern Baranof Island, southeastern Alaska
Cathy L. Zumsteg, Glen R. Himmelberg, Susan M. Karl, and Peter J. Haeussler
12. Controls on intrusion of near-trench magmas of the Sanak-Baranof belt, Alaska, during Paleogene ridge subduction, and consequences for forearc evolution
Timothy M. Kusky, Dwight Bradley, D. Thomas Donley, David Rowley, and Peter J. Haeussler
13. Geochemical and geochronologic constraints for genesis of a tonalite-trondhjemite suite and associated mafic intrusive rocks in the eastern Chugach Mountains, Alaska: A record of ridge-transform subduction
Virginia B. Sisson, Anne R. Poole, Nancy R. Harris, Holly Cooper Burner, Terry L. Pavlis, Peter Copeland, Raymond A. Donelick, and William C. McLelland
14. Magmatic and tectonic history of the Leech River Complex, Vancouver Island, British Columbia: Evidence for ridge-trench intersection and accretion of the Crescent Terrane
Wesley G. Groome, Derek J. Thorkelson, Richard M. Friedman, James K. Mortensen, Nick W.D. Massey, Daniel D. Marshall, and Paul W. Layer
Index 355