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Table of Contents - Special Paper 372Evolution and Dynamics of the Australian PlateEdited by R.R. Hillis and R.D. Müller |
1 | Evolution and dynamics of the Australian Plate R.R. Hillis and R.D. MŸller |
7 | Seismic structure in the mantle beneath Australia B.L.N. Kennett |
25 | Surface-wave studies of the Australian region E. Debayle and B.L.N. Kennett |
41 | Is the Australian Plate deforming? A space geodetic perspective P. Tregoning |
49 | In situ stress field of Australia R.R. Hillis and S.D. Reynolds |
59 | Influences of plate-boundary forces on the regional intraplate stress field of continental Australia S.D. Reynolds, D.D. Coblentz, and R.R. Hillis |
71 | Three-dimensional finite-element modelling of the tectonic stress field in continental Australia S. Zhao and R.D. Müller |
91 | Principal stress orientations from multiple focal-plane solutions: new insight into the Australian intraplate stress field D. Clark and M. Leonard |
107 | Neotectonics of southeastern Australia: linking the Quaternary faulting record with seismicity and in situ stress M. Sandiford |
121 | Crustal thickness patterns in the Australian continent C.D.N. Collins, B.J. Drummond, and M. G. Nicoll |
129 | Potential-field datasets for the Australian region: their significance in mapping basement architecture P.R. Milligan, P. Petkovic, and B.J. Drummond |
141 | Carpentaria Electrical Conductivity Anomaly, Queensland, as a major structure in the Australian Plate F.E.M. Lilley, L.J. Wang, F.H. Chamalaun, and I.J. Ferguson |
157 | The hot southern continent: heat flow and heat production in Australian Proterozoic terranes S. McLaren, M. Sandiford, M. Hand, N. Neumann, L.Wyborn, and I. Bastrakova |
169 | Inferences on Australia's heat flow and thermal structure from mantle convection modelling results C. O'Neill, L. Moresi, A. Lenardic, and C.M. Cooper |
185 | Lithosphere structure and evolution in southeastern Australia O.F. Gaul, S.Y. O'Reilly, and W.L. Griffin |
203 | 'Boomerang' migratory intraplate Cenozoic volcanism, eastern Australian rift margins and the Indian-Pacific mantle boundary F.L. Sutherland |
223 | Formation and evolution of Australian passive margins: implications for locating the boundary between continental and oceanic crust B.J. Brown, R.D. Müller, C. Gaina, H.I.M. Struckmeyer, H.M.J. Stagg, and P.A. Symonds |
245 | Resolving multiple rift phases by strain-rate inversion in the Petrel Sub-basin, northwest Australia S. Baldwin, N. White, and R.D. Müller |
265 | Mesozoic-Cenozoic evolution of Australia's New Guinea margin in a west Pacific context K.C. Hill and R. Hall |
291 | Collision tectonics of northern Papua New Guinea: key field relationships demand a new model R.H. Findlay |
309 | Sumba and its effect on Australia's northwestern margin M. Keep, I. Longley, and R. Jones |
319 | Earth-science datasets for the Australian continent online: the AGCRC S.J.D. Cox: map-maker, Open GIS and beyond S.J.D. Cox |
333 | Early to Middle Miocene Pacific-Australia plate boundary in New Zealand: an alternative transcurrent-fault system R.J. Musgrave |
343 | Tectonic evolution of the southwest Pacific using constraints from backarc basins M. Sdrolias, R.D. Müller, and C. Gaina |
361 | Mantle structure and tectonic evolution of the region north and east of Australia R. Hall and W. Spakman |
383 | 120 to 0 Ma tectonic evolution of the southwest Pacific and analogous geological evolution of the 600 to 220 Ma Tasman Fold Belt System A.J. Crawford, S. Meffre, and P.A. Symonds |
405 | Microcontinent formation around Australia C. Gaina, R.D. Müller, B. Brown, and T. Ishihara |
417 | Origin of the Australian-Antarctic Discordance from an ancient slab and mantle wedge M. Gurnis and R.D. Müller |
431 | Indexes |