GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 372

Evolution and Dynamics of the Australian Plate

Edited by R.R. Hillis and R.D. Müller

1 Evolution and dynamics of the Australian Plate
R.R. Hillis and R.D. MŸller
7 Seismic structure in the mantle beneath Australia
B.L.N. Kennett
25 Surface-wave studies of the Australian region
E. Debayle and B.L.N. Kennett
41 Is the Australian Plate deforming? A space geodetic perspective
P. Tregoning
49 In situ stress field of Australia
R.R. Hillis and S.D. Reynolds
59 Influences of plate-boundary forces on the regional intraplate stress field of continental Australia
S.D. Reynolds, D.D. Coblentz, and R.R. Hillis
71 Three-dimensional finite-element modelling of the tectonic stress field in continental Australia
S. Zhao and R.D. Müller
91 Principal stress orientations from multiple focal-plane solutions: new insight into the Australian intraplate stress field
D. Clark and M. Leonard
107 Neotectonics of southeastern Australia: linking the Quaternary faulting record with seismicity and in situ stress
M. Sandiford
121 Crustal thickness patterns in the Australian continent
C.D.N. Collins, B.J. Drummond, and M. G. Nicoll
129 Potential-field datasets for the Australian region: their significance in mapping basement architecture
P.R. Milligan, P. Petkovic, and B.J. Drummond
141 Carpentaria Electrical Conductivity Anomaly, Queensland, as a major structure in the Australian Plate
F.E.M. Lilley, L.J. Wang, F.H. Chamalaun, and I.J. Ferguson
157 The hot southern continent: heat flow and heat production in Australian Proterozoic terranes
S. McLaren, M. Sandiford, M. Hand, N. Neumann, L.Wyborn, and I. Bastrakova
169 Inferences on Australia's heat flow and thermal structure from mantle convection modelling results
C. O'Neill, L. Moresi, A. Lenardic, and C.M. Cooper
185 Lithosphere structure and evolution in southeastern Australia
O.F. Gaul, S.Y. O'Reilly, and W.L. Griffin
203 'Boomerang' migratory intraplate Cenozoic volcanism, eastern Australian rift margins and the Indian-Pacific mantle boundary
F.L. Sutherland
223 Formation and evolution of Australian passive margins: implications for locating the boundary between continental and oceanic crust
B.J. Brown, R.D. Müller, C. Gaina, H.I.M. Struckmeyer, H.M.J. Stagg, and P.A. Symonds
245 Resolving multiple rift phases by strain-rate inversion in the Petrel Sub-basin, northwest Australia
S. Baldwin, N. White, and R.D. Müller
265 Mesozoic-Cenozoic evolution of Australia's New Guinea margin in a west Pacific context
K.C. Hill and R. Hall
291 Collision tectonics of northern Papua New Guinea: key field relationships demand a new model
R.H. Findlay
309 Sumba and its effect on Australia's northwestern margin
M. Keep, I. Longley, and R. Jones
319 Earth-science datasets for the Australian continent online: the AGCRC S.J.D. Cox: map-maker, Open GIS and beyond
S.J.D. Cox
333 Early to Middle Miocene Pacific-Australia plate boundary in New Zealand: an alternative transcurrent-fault system
R.J. Musgrave
343 Tectonic evolution of the southwest Pacific using constraints from backarc basins
M. Sdrolias, R.D. Müller, and C. Gaina
361 Mantle structure and tectonic evolution of the region north and east of Australia
R. Hall and W. Spakman
383 120 to 0 Ma tectonic evolution of the southwest Pacific and analogous geological evolution of the 600 to 220 Ma Tasman Fold Belt System
A.J. Crawford, S. Meffre, and P.A. Symonds
405 Microcontinent formation around Australia
C. Gaina, R.D. Müller, B. Brown, and T. Ishihara
417 Origin of the Australian-Antarctic Discordance from an ancient slab and mantle wedge
M. Gurnis and R.D. Müller
431 Indexes