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Table of Contents - Special Paper 373Ophiolite Concept and the Evolution of Geological ThoughtEdited by Yildirim Dilek and Sally Newcomb |
Dedication | |
Acknowledgments | |
Preface | |
1 | Ophiolite concept and its evolution Yildirim Dilek |
2 | A personal history of the ophiolite concept Eldridge M. Moores |
3 | Identification of a mantle unit in ophiolites: A major step in the evolution of the ophiolite concept Thierry Juteau |
4 | N.L. Bowen, H.H. Hess, and ultramafic rocks: Perspectives on ophiolites before plate tectonics Davis A. Young |
5 | Ophiolites, ocean crust formation, and magnetic studies: A personal view F.J. Vine |
6 | Die ophiolithischen Zonen in den mediterranen Kettengebirgen (The ophiolitic zones in the Mediterranean mountain chains) Gustav Steinmann (Daniel Bernoulli and Gerald M. Friedman, Translators) |
7 | Where did Gustav Steinmann see the trinity? Back to the roots of an Alpine ophiolite concept Daniel Bernoulli, Gianreto Manatschal, Laurent Desmurs, and Othmar Müntener |
8 | Ophiolites, historical contingency, and the Wilson cycle Martin F.J. Flower |
9 | Where ophiolites come from and what they tell us Adolphe Nicolas and Françoise Boudier |
10 | Ophiolites and lost oceans: Rifts, ridges, arcs, and/or scrapings? John Dewey |
11 | Role of ophiolites in archipelago model of orogenesis Kenneth J. Hsü |
12 | Ophiolites and the interpretation of marine geophysical data: How well does the ophiolite model work for the Pacific Ocean crust? James S. McClain |
13 | Development of ophiolitic perspectives on models of oceanic magma chambers beneath active spreading centers Peter Thy and Yildirim Dilek |
14 | Geology of supra-subduction zones—Implications for the origin of ophiolites James W. Hawkins |
15 | Supra-subduction zone ophiolites: The search for modern analogues Julian A. Pearce |
16 | The Troodos Massif of Cyprus: Its role in the evolution of the ophiolite concept Paul T. Robinson, John Malpas, and Costas Xenophontos |
17 | The Troodos ophiolite and the upper ocean crust; a reciprocal traffic in scientific concepts J.R. Cann |
18 | The sheeted dike complex of the Troodos ophiolite and its role in understanding mid-ocean ridge processes Robert J. Varga |
19 | The evolution of ideas for the origin and emplacement of the western Hellenic ophiolites A.G. Smith and A. Rassios |
20 | Development of the ideas on the origin of Albanian ophiolites Minella Shallo and Yildirim Dilek |
21 | High-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belts—Subduction, recrystallization, exhumation, and significance for ophiolite study W.G. Ernst |
22 | The repeated rediscovery of mélanges and its implications for the possibility and the role of objective evidence in the scientific enterprise A.M.C. ![]() |
23 | History of asbestos discovery and use and asbestos-related disease in context with the occurrence of asbestos within ophiolite complexes Malcolm Ross and Robert P. Nolan |