GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 373

Ophiolite Concept and the Evolution of Geological Thought

Edited by Yildirim Dilek and Sally Newcomb

1 Ophiolite concept and its evolution
Yildirim Dilek
2 A personal history of the ophiolite concept
Eldridge M. Moores
3 Identification of a mantle unit in ophiolites: A major step in the evolution of the ophiolite concept
Thierry Juteau
4 N.L. Bowen, H.H. Hess, and ultramafic rocks: Perspectives on ophiolites before plate tectonics
Davis A. Young
5 Ophiolites, ocean crust formation, and magnetic studies: A personal view
F.J. Vine
6 Die ophiolithischen Zonen in den mediterranen Kettengebirgen (The ophiolitic zones in the Mediterranean mountain chains)
Gustav Steinmann (Daniel Bernoulli and Gerald M. Friedman, Translators)
7 Where did Gustav Steinmann see the trinity? Back to the roots of an Alpine ophiolite concept
Daniel Bernoulli, Gianreto Manatschal, Laurent Desmurs, and Othmar Müntener
8 Ophiolites, historical contingency, and the Wilson cycle
Martin F.J. Flower
9 Where ophiolites come from and what they tell us
Adolphe Nicolas and Françoise Boudier
10 Ophiolites and lost oceans: Rifts, ridges, arcs, and/or scrapings?
John Dewey
11 Role of ophiolites in archipelago model of orogenesis
Kenneth J. Hsü
12 Ophiolites and the interpretation of marine geophysical data: How well does the ophiolite model work for the Pacific Ocean crust?
James S. McClain
13 Development of ophiolitic perspectives on models of oceanic magma chambers beneath active spreading centers
Peter Thy and Yildirim Dilek
14 Geology of supra-subduction zones—Implications for the origin of ophiolites
James W. Hawkins
15 Supra-subduction zone ophiolites: The search for modern analogues
Julian A. Pearce
16 The Troodos Massif of Cyprus: Its role in the evolution of the ophiolite concept
Paul T. Robinson, John Malpas, and Costas Xenophontos
17 The Troodos ophiolite and the upper ocean crust; a reciprocal traffic in scientific concepts
J.R. Cann
18 The sheeted dike complex of the Troodos ophiolite and its role in understanding mid-ocean ridge processes
Robert J. Varga
19 The evolution of ideas for the origin and emplacement of the western Hellenic ophiolites
A.G. Smith and A. Rassios
20 Development of the ideas on the origin of Albanian ophiolites
Minella Shallo and Yildirim Dilek
21 High-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belts—Subduction, recrystallization, exhumation, and significance for ophiolite study
W.G. Ernst
22 The repeated rediscovery of mélanges and its implications for the possibility and the role of objective evidence in the scientific enterprise
A.M.C. engör
23 History of asbestos discovery and use and asbestos-related disease in context with the occurrence of asbestos within ophiolite complexes
Malcolm Ross and Robert P. Nolan