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Table of Contents - Special Paper 379Sulfur Biogeochemistry — Past and PresentEdited by Jan P. Amend, Katrina J. Edwards, and Timothy W. Lyons |
Preface | v | |
The Microbial End-Member |
1. | Physiological and ecological aspects of sulfur isotope fractionation during bacterial sulfate reduction Volker Brüchert |
1 |
2. | Microbially mediated sulfur-redox: Energetics in marine hydrothermal vent systems Jan P. Amend, Karyn L. Rogers, and D’Arcy R. Meyer-Dombard |
17 |
3. | Eukaryotes of the Cariaco, Soledad, and Santa Barbara Basins: Protists and metazoans associated with deep-water marine sulfide-oxidizing microbial mats and their possible effects on the geologic record Joan M. Bernhard and Kurt R. Buck |
35 |
Sulfide Oxidation in the Environment |
4. | Biogeochemistry of metal sulfide oxidation in mining environments, sediments, and soils Axel Schippers |
49 |
5. | Sulfide oxidation in marine sediments: Geochemistry meets microbiology Bo Barker Jørgensen and Douglas C. Nelson |
63 |
6. | Formation and degradation of seafloor hydrothermal sulfide deposits Katrina J. Edwards |
83 |
Sulfur Intermediates and Sinks |
7. | Distribution and fate of sulfur intermediates — sulfite, tetrathionate, thiosulfate, and elemental sulfur — in marine sediments J. Zopfi, T.G. Ferdelman, and H. Fossing |
97 |
8. | Mechanisms of sedimentary pyrite formation Martin A.A. Schoonen |
117 |
9. | Organic sulfur biogeochemistry: Recent advances and future research directions Josef P. Werne, David J. Hollander, Timothy W. Lyons, and Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté |
135 |
Marine Sulfate over Geologic Time |
10. | Using sulfur isotopes to elucidate the origin of barite associated with high organic matter accumulation events in marine sediments A. Paytan, F. Martinez-Ruiz, M. Eagle, A. Ivy, and S.D. Wankel |
151 |
11. | Sites of anomalous organic remineralization in the carbonate sediments of South Florida, USA: The sulfur cycle and carbonate-associated sulfate Timothy W. Lyons, Lynn M. Walter, Anne M. Gellatly, Anna M. Martini, and Ruth E. Blake |
161 |
12. | The sulfur isotope composition of carbonate-associated sulfate in Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic carbonates from Death Valley, California Matthew T. Hurtgen, Michael A. Arthur, and Anthony R. Prave |
177 |
13. | 4 Ga of seawater evolution: Evidence from the sulfur isotopic composition of sulfate Harald Strauss |
195 |