GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 379

Sulfur Biogeochemistry — Past and Present

Edited by Jan P. Amend, Katrina J. Edwards, and Timothy W. Lyons

Preface v

The Microbial End-Member
1. Physiological and ecological aspects of sulfur isotope fractionation during bacterial sulfate reduction
Volker Brüchert
2. Microbially mediated sulfur-redox: Energetics in marine hydrothermal vent systems
Jan P. Amend, Karyn L. Rogers, and D’Arcy R. Meyer-Dombard
3. Eukaryotes of the Cariaco, Soledad, and Santa Barbara Basins: Protists and metazoans associated with deep-water marine sulfide-oxidizing microbial mats and their possible effects on the geologic record
Joan M. Bernhard and Kurt R. Buck

Sulfide Oxidation in the Environment
4. Biogeochemistry of metal sulfide oxidation in mining environments, sediments, and soils
Axel Schippers
5. Sulfide oxidation in marine sediments: Geochemistry meets microbiology
Bo Barker Jørgensen and Douglas C. Nelson
6. Formation and degradation of seafloor hydrothermal sulfide deposits
Katrina J. Edwards

Sulfur Intermediates and Sinks
7. Distribution and fate of sulfur intermediates — sulfite, tetrathionate, thiosulfate, and elemental sulfur — in marine sediments
J. Zopfi, T.G. Ferdelman, and H. Fossing
8. Mechanisms of sedimentary pyrite formation
Martin A.A. Schoonen
9. Organic sulfur biogeochemistry: Recent advances and future research directions
Josef P. Werne, David J. Hollander, Timothy W. Lyons, and Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté

Marine Sulfate over Geologic Time
10. Using sulfur isotopes to elucidate the origin of barite associated with high organic matter accumulation events in marine sediments
A. Paytan, F. Martinez-Ruiz, M. Eagle, A. Ivy, and S.D. Wankel
11. Sites of anomalous organic remineralization in the carbonate sediments of South Florida, USA: The sulfur cycle and carbonate-associated sulfate
Timothy W. Lyons, Lynn M. Walter, Anne M. Gellatly, Anna M. Martini, and Ruth E. Blake
12. The sulfur isotope composition of carbonate-associated sulfate in Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic carbonates from Death Valley, California
Matthew T. Hurtgen, Michael A. Arthur, and Anthony R. Prave
13. 4 Ga of seawater evolution: Evidence from the sulfur isotopic composition of sulfate
Harald Strauss