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Table of Contents - Special Paper 380Gneiss Domes in OrogenyEdited by Donna L. Whitney, Christian Teyssier, and Christine S. Siddoway |
Reviews and Overviews |
1. | Gneiss domes and gneiss dome systems An Yin |
1 |
2. | Gneiss domes and crustal flow Donna L. Whitney, Christian Teyssier, and Olivier Vanderhaeghe |
15 |
3. | The exhumation of gneiss domes in bivergent wedges: Geometrical concepts and examples from the Himalayan syntaxes Alan G. Whittington |
35 |
Geodynamics of Doming |
4. | Dome structures in collision orogens: Mechanical investigation of the gravity/compression interplay Jean-Pierre Burg, Boris J.P. Kaus, and Yuri Yu. Podladchikov |
47 |
5. | Thermomechanical modeling of extensional gneiss domes Céline Tirel, Jean-Pierre Brun, and Evgenii Burov |
67 |
6. | Initiation of gneiss domes by necking, density instability, and erosion Raymond C. Fletcher and Bernard Hallet |
79 |
7. | Inherent gravitational instability of hot continental crust: Implications for doming and diapirism in granulite facies terrains Taras V. Gerya, Leonid L. Perchuk, Walter V. Maresch, and Arne P. Willner |
97 |
8. | “Cold” diapirs triggered by intrusion of the Bushveld Complex: Insight from two-dimensional numerical modeling Taras V. Gerya, Ronald Uken, Juergen Reinhardt, Michael K. Watkeys, Walter V. Maresch, and Brendan M. Clarke |
117 |
9. | Exhumation of orogenic crust: Diapiric ascent versus low-angle normal faulting Annia K. Fayon, Donna L. Whitney, and Christian Teyssier |
129 |
Gneiss Domes and Orogeny: Case Studies |
10. | Exhumation of Neogene gneiss domes between oblique crustal boundaries in south Karakorum (northwest Himalaya, Pakistan) G. Mahéo, A. Pęcher, S. Guillot, Y. Rolland, and C. Delacourt |
141 |
11. | Pressure-temperature-time deformation history of the exhumation of ultra-high pressure rocks in the Western Gneiss Region, Norway L. Labrousse, L. Jolivet, T.B. Andersen, P. Agard, R. Hébert, H. Maluski, and U. Schärer |
155 |
12. | Strain localization during crustal-scale boudinage to form extensional metamorphic domes in the Aegean Sea Laurent Jolivet, Vincent Famin, Caroline Mehl, Teddy Parra, Charles Aubourg, Ronan Hébert, and Pascal Philippot |
185 |
13. | Structural development of the Naxos migmatite dome Olivier Vanderhaeghe |
211 |
14. | Gneiss domes and granite emplacement in an obliquely convergent regime: New interpretation of the Variscan Agly Massif (Eastern Pyrenees, France) Ph. Olivier, G. Gleizes, and J.L. Paquette |
229 |
15. | Elongated domes in extended orogens: A mode of mountain uplift in the Betics (southeast Spain) J.M. Martínez-Martínez, J.I. Soto, and J.C. Balanyá |
243 |
16. | Origin and emplacement of a middle Cretaceous gneiss dome, Fosdick Mountains, West Antarctica Christine Smith Siddoway, Stephen M. Richard, C. Mark Fanning, and Bruce P. Luyendyk |
267 |
17. | Geologic map and summary of the evolution of the Kigluaik Mountains gneiss dome, Seward Peninsula, Alaska Jeffrey M. Amato and Elizabeth L. Miller |
295 |
18. | The Baltimore Gneiss domes of the Maryland Piedmont George W. Fisher and Sakiko N. Olsen |
307 |
19. | Precambrian dome-and-keel structure in the Penokean orogenic belt of northern Michigan, USA Douglas K. Tinkham, Stephen Marshak |
321 |
20. | Paleoproterozoic development of a gneiss dome corridor in the southern Lake Superior region, USA D.A. Schneider, D.K. Holm, C. O'Boyle, M. Hamilton, and M. Jercinovic |
339 |
21. | Migmatitic structures and solid-state diapirism in orthogneiss domes, eastern Grenville Province, Canada Félix Gervais, Léopold Nadeau, and Michel Malo |
359 |
Index |
379 |