GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 380

Gneiss Domes in Orogeny

Edited by Donna L. Whitney, Christian Teyssier, and Christine S. Siddoway

Reviews and Overviews
1. Gneiss domes and gneiss dome systems
An Yin
2. Gneiss domes and crustal flow
Donna L. Whitney, Christian Teyssier, and Olivier Vanderhaeghe
3. The exhumation of gneiss domes in bivergent wedges: Geometrical concepts and examples from the Himalayan syntaxes
Alan G. Whittington

Geodynamics of Doming
4. Dome structures in collision orogens: Mechanical investigation of the gravity/compression interplay
Jean-Pierre Burg, Boris J.P. Kaus, and Yuri Yu. Podladchikov
5. Thermomechanical modeling of extensional gneiss domes
Céline Tirel, Jean-Pierre Brun, and Evgenii Burov
6. Initiation of gneiss domes by necking, density instability, and erosion
Raymond C. Fletcher and Bernard Hallet
7. Inherent gravitational instability of hot continental crust: Implications for doming and diapirism in granulite facies terrains
Taras V. Gerya, Leonid L. Perchuk, Walter V. Maresch, and Arne P. Willner
8. “Cold” diapirs triggered by intrusion of the Bushveld Complex: Insight from two-dimensional numerical modeling
Taras V. Gerya, Ronald Uken, Juergen Reinhardt, Michael K. Watkeys, Walter V. Maresch, and Brendan M. Clarke
9. Exhumation of orogenic crust: Diapiric ascent versus low-angle normal faulting
Annia K. Fayon, Donna L. Whitney, and Christian Teyssier

Gneiss Domes and Orogeny: Case Studies
10. Exhumation of Neogene gneiss domes between oblique crustal boundaries in south Karakorum (northwest Himalaya, Pakistan)
G. Mahéo, A. Pęcher, S. Guillot, Y. Rolland, and C. Delacourt
11. Pressure-temperature-time deformation history of the exhumation of ultra-high pressure rocks in the Western Gneiss Region, Norway
L. Labrousse, L. Jolivet, T.B. Andersen, P. Agard, R. Hébert, H. Maluski, and U. Schärer
12. Strain localization during crustal-scale boudinage to form extensional metamorphic domes in the Aegean Sea
Laurent Jolivet, Vincent Famin, Caroline Mehl, Teddy Parra, Charles Aubourg, Ronan Hébert, and Pascal Philippot
13. Structural development of the Naxos migmatite dome
Olivier Vanderhaeghe
14. Gneiss domes and granite emplacement in an obliquely convergent regime: New interpretation of the Variscan Agly Massif (Eastern Pyrenees, France)
Ph. Olivier, G. Gleizes, and J.L. Paquette
15. Elongated domes in extended orogens: A mode of mountain uplift in the Betics (southeast Spain)
J.M. Martínez-Martínez, J.I. Soto, and J.C. Balanyá
16. Origin and emplacement of a middle Cretaceous gneiss dome, Fosdick Mountains, West Antarctica
Christine Smith Siddoway, Stephen M. Richard, C. Mark Fanning, and Bruce P. Luyendyk
17. Geologic map and summary of the evolution of the Kigluaik Mountains gneiss dome, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
Jeffrey M. Amato and Elizabeth L. Miller
18. The Baltimore Gneiss domes of the Maryland Piedmont
George W. Fisher and Sakiko N. Olsen
19. Precambrian dome-and-keel structure in the Penokean orogenic belt of northern Michigan, USA
Douglas K. Tinkham, Stephen Marshak
20. Paleoproterozoic development of a gneiss dome corridor in the southern Lake Superior region, USA
D.A. Schneider, D.K. Holm, C. O'Boyle, M. Hamilton, and M. Jercinovic
21. Migmatitic structures and solid-state diapirism in orthogneiss domes, eastern Grenville Province, Canada
Félix Gervais, Léopold Nadeau, and Michel Malo
