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Table of Contents - Special Paper 383Orogenic Curvature: Integrating Paleomagnetic and Structural AnalysesEdited by Aviva J. Sussman and Arlo B. Weil |
Preface | v | |
1. | Classifying curved orogens based on timing relationships between structural development and vertical-axis rotations Arlo B. Weil and Aviva J. Sussman |
1 |
2. | Post-Miocene shortening pictured by magnetic fabric across the Zagros-Makran Syntaxis (Iran) C. Aubourg, B. Smith, H. Bakhtari, N. Guya, A. Eshragi, S. Lallemant, M. Molinaro, X. Braud, and S. Delaunay |
17 |
3. | Formation of arcuate orogenic belts in the western Mediterranean region Gideon Rosenbaum and Gordon S. Lister |
41 |
4. | ap-view models for correcting and calculating shortening estimates in rotated thrust fronts using paleomagnetic data E.L. Pueyo, A. Pocoví, H. Millán, and A.J. Sussman |
57 |
5. | Oroclinal bending versus regional significant clockwise rotations in the Himalayan arc — Constraints from secondary pyrrhotite remanences E. Schill, E. Appel, C. Crouzet, P. Gautam, F. Wehland, and M. Staiger |
73 |
6. | Preliminary kinematic data from a salient-recess pair along the Moine thrust, northwest Scotland Matthew Strine and Gautam Mitra |
87 |
7. | Pennsylvania salient of the Appalachians: A two-stage model for Alleghanian motion based on new compilations of Piedmont data Donald U. Wise and Mathew L. Werner |
109 |
8. | Orocline triggered lithospheric delamination Gabriel Gutiérrez-Alonso, Javier Fernández-Suárez, and Arlo B. Weil |
121 |
9. | Origin of the Bering Sea salient Jeffrey M. Amato, Jaime Toro, and Thomas E. Moore |
131 |
10. | Change of the maximum principal stress during the Laramide orogeny in the Monterrey salient, northeast México Gabriel Chávez-Cabello, Tomás Cossío-Torres, and Rolando Heberto Peterson-Rodríguez |
145 |
11. | A kinematic model for the southern Alaska orocline based on regional fault patterns Jonathan M.G. Glen |
161 |
12. | Lewis and Clark line and the rotational origin of the Alberta and Helena salients, North American Cordillera James W. Sears and Marc S. Hendrix |
173 |
13. | Paleomagnetism of the Eocene Flat Creek pluton, Yukon: Tectonics of the Intermontane terranes and Mackenzie Mountains D.T.A. Symons, C.J.R. Hart, M.J. Harris, and P.J.A. McCausland |
187 |
14. | Strain distribution, strain history, and kinematic evolution associated with the formation of arcuate salients in fold-thrust belts: The example of the Provo salient, Sevier orogen, Utah Sanghoon Kwon and Gautam Mitra |
205 |
15. | The New Caledonia–D’Entrecasteaux orocline and its role in clockwise rotation of the Vanuatu–New Hebrides Arc and formation of the North Fiji Basin Stephen T. Johnston |
225 |
16. | Tectonic models for the formation of arc-shaped convergent zones and backarc basins W.P. Schellart and G.S. Lister |
237 |
Index | 259 |