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Table of Contents - Special Paper 383

Orogenic Curvature: Integrating Paleomagnetic and Structural Analyses

Edited by Aviva J. Sussman and Arlo B. Weil

Preface v
1. Classifying curved orogens based on timing relationships between structural development and vertical-axis rotations
Arlo B. Weil and Aviva J. Sussman
2. Post-Miocene shortening pictured by magnetic fabric across the Zagros-Makran Syntaxis (Iran)
C. Aubourg, B. Smith, H. Bakhtari, N. Guya, A. Eshragi, S. Lallemant, M. Molinaro, X. Braud, and S. Delaunay
3. Formation of arcuate orogenic belts in the western Mediterranean region
Gideon Rosenbaum and Gordon S. Lister
4. ap-view models for correcting and calculating shortening estimates in rotated thrust fronts using paleomagnetic data
E.L. Pueyo, A. Pocoví, H. Millán, and A.J. Sussman
5. Oroclinal bending versus regional significant clockwise rotations in the Himalayan arc — Constraints from secondary pyrrhotite remanences
E. Schill, E. Appel, C. Crouzet, P. Gautam, F. Wehland, and M. Staiger
6. Preliminary kinematic data from a salient-recess pair along the Moine thrust, northwest Scotland
Matthew Strine and Gautam Mitra
7. Pennsylvania salient of the Appalachians: A two-stage model for Alleghanian motion based on new compilations of Piedmont data
Donald U. Wise and Mathew L. Werner
8. Orocline triggered lithospheric delamination
Gabriel Gutiérrez-Alonso, Javier Fernández-Suárez, and Arlo B. Weil
9. Origin of the Bering Sea salient
Jeffrey M. Amato, Jaime Toro, and Thomas E. Moore
10. Change of the maximum principal stress during the Laramide orogeny in the Monterrey salient, northeast México
Gabriel Chávez-Cabello, Tomás Cossío-Torres, and Rolando Heberto Peterson-Rodríguez
11. A kinematic model for the southern Alaska orocline based on regional fault patterns
Jonathan M.G. Glen
12. Lewis and Clark line and the rotational origin of the Alberta and Helena salients, North American Cordillera
James W. Sears and Marc S. Hendrix
13. Paleomagnetism of the Eocene Flat Creek pluton, Yukon: Tectonics of the Intermontane terranes and Mackenzie Mountains
D.T.A. Symons, C.J.R. Hart, M.J. Harris, and P.J.A. McCausland
14. Strain distribution, strain history, and kinematic evolution associated with the formation of arcuate salients in fold-thrust belts: The example of the Provo salient, Sevier orogen, Utah
Sanghoon Kwon and Gautam Mitra
15. The New Caledonia–D’Entrecasteaux orocline and its role in clockwise rotation of the Vanuatu–New Hebrides Arc and formation of the North Fiji Basin
Stephen T. Johnston
16. Tectonic models for the formation of arc-shaped convergent zones and backarc basins
W.P. Schellart and G.S. Lister
Index 259