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Table of Contents - Special Paper 384

Large Meteorite Impacts III

Edited by: Thomas Kenkmann, Friedrich Hörz, and Alex Deutsch

Preface VII

Terrestrial Craters: Structure, Geophysics, and Cratering Motions
1. Impact structures: What does crater diameter mean?
E.P. Turtle, E. Pierazzo, G.S. Collins, G.R. Osinski, H.J. Melosh, J.V. Morgan, and W.U. Reimold
2. Magnetization on impact structures — Constraints from numerical modeling and petrophysics
H.A. Ugalde, N. Artemieva, and B. Milkereit
3. Using vertical dikes as a new approach to constraining the size of buried craters: An example from Lake Wanapitei, Canada
E. L’Heureux, H. Ugalde, B. Milkereit, J. Boyce, W. Morris, N. Eyles, and N. Artemieva
4. Enhancement of magnetic signatures of impact structures
D.R. Cowan and G.R.J. Cooper
5. Is Ries crater typical for its size? An analysis based upon old and new geophysical data and numerical modeling
K. Wünnemann, J.V. Morgan, and H. Jödicke
6. Structure and formation of a central uplift: A case study at the Upheaval Dome impact crater, Utah
T. Kenkmann, A. Jahn, D. Scherler, and B.A. Ivanov
7. Eastern rim of the Chesapeake Bay impact crater: Morphology, stratigraphy, and structure
C.W. Poag
8. Original diameter and depth of erosion of the Popigai impact crater, Russia
V.L. Masaitis, M.V. Naumov, and M.S. Mashchak
9. Topography over the Chicxulub impact crater from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data
G.L. Kinsland, K.O. Pope, M.Hurtado Cardador, G.R.J. Cooper, D.R. Cowan, M. Kobrick, and G. Sanchez

Terrestrial Craters: Ejecta Studies
10. Recent research on the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA — Impact debris and reworked ejecta
J.W. Horton Jr., J.N. Aleinikoff, M.J. Kunk, G.S. Gohn, L.E. Edwards, J.M. Self-Trail, D.S. Powars, and G.A. Izett
11. Chicxulub impact ejecta deposits in southern Quintana Roo, México, and central Belize
K.O. Pope, A.C. Ocampo, A.G. Fischer, F.J. Vega, D.E. Ames, D.T. King Jr., B.W. Fouke, R.J. Wachtman, and G. Kletetschka
12. Chicxulub impact ejecta from the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-P) boundary in northeastern Mexico
P. Schulte and A. Kontny
13. Stable isotope record of post-impact fluid activity in the core of the Yaxcopoil-1 borehole, Chicxulub impact structure, Mexico
L. Zurcher, D.A. Kring, M.D. Barton, D. Dettman, and M. Rollog
14. Linking large impacts, gas hydrates, and carbon isotope excursions through widespread sediment liquefaction and continental slope failure: The example of the K-T boundary event
S. Day and M. Maslin
15. Late Devonian Alamo Impact, southern Nevada, USA: Evidence of size, marine site, and widespread effects
J.R. Morrow, C.A Sandberg, and A.G. Harris
16. Are there signs of a large Paleocene impact, preserved around Disko Bay, West Greenland? Nuussuaq spherule beds origin by impact instead of volcanic eruption?
A.P. Jones, A.T. Kearsley, C.R.L. Friend, E. Robin, A. Beard, A. Tamura, S. Trickett, and P. Claeys

Shock Metamorphism
17. Distribution and origin of impact diamonds in the Ries crater, Germany
R.T. Schmitt, C. Lapke, C.M. Lingemann, M. Siebenschock, and D. Stöffler
18. Planar microstructures and Dauphiné twins in shocked quartz from the Charlevoix impact structure, Canada
C.A. Trepmann and J.G. Spray
19. Shock pressure distribution in the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa
R.L. Gibson and W.U. Reimold
20. Evaporative differentiation of impact-produced melts: Laser-simulation experiments and comparison with impact glasses from the Logoisk crater
M.V. Gerasimov, O.I. Yakovlev, Yu.P. Dikov, and F. Wlotzka
21. Geochemistry of target rocks, impact-melt particles, and metallic spherules from Meteor Crater, Arizona: Empirical evidence on the impact process
D.W. Mittlefehldt, F. Hörz, T.H. See, E.R.D. Scott, and S.A. Mertzman
22. Shock metamorphism of siliceous volcanic rocks of the El'gygytgyn impact crater (Chukotka, Russia)
E.P. Gurov, C. Koeberl, W.U. Reimold, F. Brandstätter, and K. Amare
23. Experimentally shock-loaded anhydrite: Unit-cell dimensions, microstrain, and domain size from X-ray powder diffraction
R. Skála, F.P. Hörz, and F. Langenhorst

The Planetary Perspective
24. Giant impact-induced blow-off of primordial atmosphere
S. Ni and T.J. Ahrens
25. A review of Martian impact crater ejecta structures and their implications for target properties
N.G. Barlow
26. Starting conditions for hydrothermal systems underneath Martian craters: Hydrocode modeling
E. Pierazzo, N.A. Artemieva, and B.A. Ivanov
