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Table of Contents - Special Paper 385Active Tectonics and Seismic Hazards of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Offshore AreasEdited by Paul Mann |
Dedication | v | |
Part I: Introduction and Active Tectonic Setting |
Introduction Paul Mann |
1 | |
1. | GPS results from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands: Constraints on tectonic setting and rates of active faulting Pamela E. Jansma and Glen S. Mattioli |
13 |
2. | Neotectonics and subsidence of the northern Puerto Rico–Virgin Islands margin in response to the oblique subduction of high-standing ridges Nancy R. Grindlay, Paul Mann, James F. Dolan, and Jean-Paul van Gestel |
31 |
Part II: Studies of Instrumental and Historical Seismicity |
3. | Ground-motion relations for Puerto Rico Dariush Motazedian and Gail Atkinson |
61 |
4. | Microseismic activity reveals two stress regimes in southwestern Puerto Rico Victor Huérfano, Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade, and Gisela Báez-Sanchez |
81 |
5. | Historical earthquakes of the Puerto Rico–Virgin Islands region (1915–1963) Diane I. Doser, Christina M. Rodriguez, and Claudia Flores |
103 |
Part III: Identification of Late Quaternary Faults in Puerto Rico and Shallow Coastal Areas |
6. | Reconnaissance study of Late Quaternary faulting along Cerro Goden fault zone, western Puerto Rico Paul Mann, Carol S. Prentice, Jean-Claude Hippolyte, Nancy R. Grindlay, Lewis J. Abrams, and Daniel Laó-Dávila |
115 |
7. | Toward an integrated understanding of Holocene fault activity in western Puerto Rico: Constraints from high-resolution seismic and sidescan sonar data Nancy R. Grindlay, Lewis J. Abrams, Luke Del Greco, and Paul Mann |
139 |
8. | Geologic evidence for the prolongation of active normal faults of the Mona rift into northwestern Puerto Rico Jean-Claude Hippolyte, Paul Mann, and Nancy R. Grindlay |
161 |
9. | Neotectonics of southern Puerto Rico and its offshore margin Paul Mann, Jean-Claude Hippolyte, Nancy R. Grindlay, and Lewis J. Abrams |
173 |
10. | Paleoseismic study of the South Lajas fault: First documentation of an onshore Holocene fault in Puerto Rico Carol S. Prentice and Paul Mann |
215 |
Part IV: Studies of Seismic Sources, Ground Amplification, and Paleoliquefaction |
11. | A seismic source model for Puerto Rico, for use in probabilistic ground motion hazard analyses Roland C. LaForge and William R. McCann |
223 |
12. | Liquefaction susceptibility zonation map of San Juan, Puerto Rico James V. Hengesh and Jeffrey L. Bachhuber |
249 |
13. | Liquefaction induced by historic and prehistoric earthquakes in western Puerto Rico Martitia P. Tuttle, Kathleen Dyer-Williams, Eugene S. Schweig, Carol S. Prentice, Juan Carlos Moya, and Kathleen B. Tucker |
263 |
14. | Earthquake-induced liquefaction potential in western Puerto Rico using GIS technology Emir José Macari and Laureano R. Hoyos |
277 |
Index |
289 |