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Table of Contents - Special Paper 385

Active Tectonics and Seismic Hazards of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Offshore Areas

Edited by Paul Mann

Dedication v

Part I: Introduction and Active Tectonic Setting
Paul Mann
1. GPS results from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands: Constraints on tectonic setting and rates of active faulting
Pamela E. Jansma and Glen S. Mattioli
2. Neotectonics and subsidence of the northern Puerto Rico–Virgin Islands margin in response to the oblique subduction of high-standing ridges
Nancy R. Grindlay, Paul Mann, James F. Dolan, and Jean-Paul van Gestel

Part II: Studies of Instrumental and Historical Seismicity
3. Ground-motion relations for Puerto Rico
Dariush Motazedian and Gail Atkinson
4. Microseismic activity reveals two stress regimes in southwestern Puerto Rico
Victor Huérfano, Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade, and Gisela Báez-Sanchez
5. Historical earthquakes of the Puerto Rico–Virgin Islands region (1915–1963)
Diane I. Doser, Christina M. Rodriguez, and Claudia Flores

Part III: Identification of Late Quaternary Faults in Puerto Rico and Shallow Coastal Areas
6. Reconnaissance study of Late Quaternary faulting along Cerro Goden fault zone, western Puerto Rico
Paul Mann, Carol S. Prentice, Jean-Claude Hippolyte, Nancy R. Grindlay, Lewis J. Abrams, and Daniel Laó-Dávila
7. Toward an integrated understanding of Holocene fault activity in western Puerto Rico: Constraints from high-resolution seismic and sidescan sonar data
Nancy R. Grindlay, Lewis J. Abrams, Luke Del Greco, and Paul Mann
8. Geologic evidence for the prolongation of active normal faults of the Mona rift into northwestern Puerto Rico
Jean-Claude Hippolyte, Paul Mann, and Nancy R. Grindlay
9. Neotectonics of southern Puerto Rico and its offshore margin
Paul Mann, Jean-Claude Hippolyte, Nancy R. Grindlay, and Lewis J. Abrams
10. Paleoseismic study of the South Lajas fault: First documentation of an onshore Holocene fault in Puerto Rico
Carol S. Prentice and Paul Mann

Part IV: Studies of Seismic Sources, Ground Amplification, and Paleoliquefaction
11. A seismic source model for Puerto Rico, for use in probabilistic ground motion hazard analyses
Roland C. LaForge and William R. McCann
12. Liquefaction susceptibility zonation map of San Juan, Puerto Rico
James V. Hengesh and Jeffrey L. Bachhuber
13. Liquefaction induced by historic and prehistoric earthquakes in western Puerto Rico
Martitia P. Tuttle, Kathleen Dyer-Williams, Eugene S. Schweig, Carol S. Prentice, Juan Carlos Moya, and Kathleen B. Tucker
14. Earthquake-induced liquefaction potential in western Puerto Rico using GIS technology
Emir José Macari and Laureano R. Hoyos
