GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 387

Coal Systems Analysis

Edited by Peter D. Warwick

1. Coal systems analysis: A new approach to the understanding of coal formation, coal quality and environmental considerations, and coal as a source rock for hydrocarbons
Peter D. Warwick
2. Appalachian coal assessment: Defining the coal systems of the Appalachian Basin
Robert C. Milici
3. Subtle structural influences on coal thickness and distribution: Examples from the Lower Broas–Stockton coal (Middle Pennsylvanian), Eastern Kentucky Coal Field, USA
Stephen F. Greb, Cortland F. Eble, and J.C. Hower
4. Palynology in coal systems analysis — The key to floras, climate, and stratigraphy of coal-forming environments
Douglas J. Nichols
5. A comparison of late Paleocene and late Eocene lignite depositional systems using palynology, upper Wilcox and upper Jackson Groups, east-central Texas
Jennifer M.K. O’Keefe, Recep H. Sancay, Anne L. Raymond, and Thomas E. Yancey
6. New insights on the hydrocarbon system of the Fruitland Formation coal beds, northern San Juan Basin, Colorado and New Mexico, USA
W.C. Riese, William L. Pelzmann, and Glen T. Snyder