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Table of Contents - Special Paper 389

Fifth Hutton Symposium:
The Origin of Granites and Related Rocks

Edited by: S. Ishihara, W.E. Stephens, S.L. Harley, M Arima, and T. Nakajima

W.E. Stephens and S.L. Harley
On the Fifth Hutton Symposium
S. Ishihara, M. Arima, and T. Nakajima
Towards a unified model for granite genesis
B.W. Chappell
A new paradigm for granite generation
J.L. Vigneresse
The redox state of granitoids relative to tectonic setting and earth history: the magnetite-ilmenite series 30 years later
S. Ishihara
The mechanism of melt extraction from lower continental crust of orogens
M. Brown
Modelling mid-crustal migmatite terrains as feeder zones for granite plutons: the competing dynamics of melt transfer by bulk versus porous flow
S.N. Olsen, B.D. Marsh, and L.P. Baumgartner
Experimental temperature-X(H20)-viscosity relationship for leucogranites and comparison with synthetic silicic liquids
A. Whittington, P. Richet, H. Behrens, F. Holtz, and B. Scaillet
Petrologic and thermal constraints on the origin of leucogranites in collisional orogens
P.I. Nabelek and M. Liu
The influence of cordierite on melting and mineral-melt equilibria in ultra-high-temperature metamorphism
S.L. Harley and P. Thompson
Origin of chemically zoned and unzoned cordierites from the South Mountain and Musquodoboit Batholiths, Nova Scotia
S. Erdmann, D.B. Clarke, and M.A. MacDonald
Tourmaline and boron as indicators of the presence, segregation and extraction of melt in pelitic migmatites: examples from the Ryoke metamorphic belt, SW Japan
T. Kawakami
Low- and high-temperature granites
B.W. Chappell, A. J. R. White, I.S. Williams, and D. Wyborn
Deciphering the petrogenesis of deeply buried granites: whole-rock geochemical constraints on the origin of largely undepleted felsic granulites from the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif
V. Janoušek, F. Finger, M. Roberts, J. Frýda, C. Pin, and D. Dolejš
Variety and genesis of the pyroxene-bearing S- and I-type granitoids from the Hidaka Metamorphic Belt, Hokkaido, northern Japan
T. Shimura, M. Owada, Y. Osani, M. Komatsu, nd H. Kagami
Possible source rocks of Mesozoic granites in South Korea: implications for crustal evolution in NE Asia
Y-J. Jwa
Lithium isotopic compositions of the New England Batholith: correlations with inferred source rock compositions
C.J. Bryant, B.W. Chappell, V.C. Bennett, and M.T. McCulloch
Timing of Early Proterozoic magmatism along the Southern margin of the Siberian Craton (Kitoy area)
U. Poller, D.P. Gladkochub, T.V. Donskaya, A.M. Mazukabzov, E.V. Sklyarov, and W. Todt
Two subgroups of A-type granites in the coastal area of Zhejiang and Fujian Provinces, SE China: age and geochemical constraints on their petrogenesis
J-S. Qiu, D-Z. Wang, B.I.A. MCinnes, S-Y. Jiang, R-C. Wang, and S. Kanisawa
Geochemical, Sr and Nd isotopic characteristics and tectonic implications for three stages of igneous rock in the Late Yanshanian (Cretaceous) orogeny, SE China
C-H. Chen, W. Lin, C-Y. Lan, and C-Y. Lee
Mafic rocks from the Ryoke Belt, southwest Japan: implications for Cretaceous Ryoke/San-yo granitic magma genesis
T. Nakajima, H. Kamiyama, I. S. Williams, and K. Tani
Petrochemical characteristics of felsic veins in mantle xenoliths from Tallante (SE Spain): an insight into activity of silicic melt within the mantle wedge
Y. Shimizu, S. Arai, T. Morishita, H. Yurimoto, and F. Gervilla
Granites, dynamic magma chamber processes and pluton construction: Aztec Wash pluton, Eldorado Mountains, Nevada, USA
B.E. Harper, C.F. Miller, G.C. Koteas, N.L. Cates, R.A. Wiebe, D.S. Lazzareschi, and J.W. Cribb
Late Archaean Kenogamissi complex, Abitibi Subprovince, Ontario: doming, folding and deformation-assisted melt remobilisation during syntectonic batholith emplacement
K. Benn
Growth of wedge-shaped plutons at the base of active half-grabens
S.W. Richards and W.J. Collins
Crustal control on the redox state of granitoid magmas: tectonic implications from the granitoid and metallogenic provinces in the circum-Japan Sea Region
K. Sato, S.V. Kovalenko, N.P. Romanovsky, M. Nedachi, N.V. Berdnikov, and T. Ishihara
Source and redox controls on metallogenic variations in intrusion-related ore systems, Tombstone-Tungsten Belt, Yukon Territory, Canada
C.J. R Hart, J.L. Mair, R.J. Goldfarb, and D.I. Groves
Volcanic-plutonic links, plutons as magma chambers and crust-mantle interaction: a lithospheric scale view of magma systems
R.V. Metcalf
Fragmentation, nucleation and migration of crystals and bubbles in the Bishop Tuff rhyolitic magma
G.A.R. Gualda, D.L. Cook, R. Chopra, L. Qin, A.T. Anderson Jr., and M. Rivers
Author Index 391