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Table of Contents - Special Paper 391Net Dextral Slip, Leogen San Gregorio — Hosgri Fault Zone, Coastal California: Geologic Evidence and Tectonic ImplicationsEdited by: William R. Dickinson, Mihai Ducca, Lewis I. Rosenberg, H. Gary Greene, Stephan A. Graham, Joseph C. Clark, Gerald E. Weber, Steven Kidder, W. Gary Ernst, and Earl E. Brabb |
Abstract | 1 |
Introduction | 2 |
Tectonic Setting | 3 |
Slip Rate over Time | 5 |
Course of Fault | 5 |
San Gregorio Segment | 5 |
Monterey Bay Segment | 5 |
Big Sur Segment | 9 |
San Simeon Segment | 11 |
Hosgri Segment | 13 |
Offset Nacimiento Fault | 13 |
Cross-Fault Contrasts | 13 |
Nature of Faulting | 14 |
Regional Relations | 14 |
Nacimiento Piercing Points | 16 |
Big Creek Enclave | 16 |
Shell Well Core | 17 |
Alternate Piercing Points | 19 |
Pigeon Point–Atascadero Correlation | 20 |
Supportive Tertiary Exposures | 20 |
Tectonic Reconstructions | 21 |
Northern Salinian Block | 21 |
Point Sur Franciscan Block | 23 |
San Simeon and Point Sal | 25 |
Regional Problems | 25 |
Gualala Block Problem | 25 |
Gualala Block Position | 27 |
Gualala Stratal Relations | 27 |
Gualala Fault Sliver | 28 |
Alternate Gualala Restoration | 28 |
Pilarcitos Fault Relations | 30 |
Gualala Block Slip | 30 |
Proto–San Andreas Question | 31 |
Intra-Salinian Deformation | 33 |
Tularcitos Saddle | 33 |
Santa Lucia Transpression | 36 |
Distributive Strike Slip | 36 |
General Conclusions | 36 |
Acknowledgments | 37 |
References Cited | 37 |