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Table of Contents - Special Paper 393

The Mojave-Sonora Megashear Hypothesis: Development, Assessment, and Alternatives

Edited by Thomas H. Anderson, Jonathan A. Nourse, James W. McKee, and Maureen B. Steiner

Preface vii

1. The Mojave-Sonora megashear — Field and analytical studies leading to the conception and evolution of the hypothesis
Thomas H. Anderson and Leon T. Silver
2. Jurassic rocks in Sonora, Mexico: Relations to Mojave-Sonora megashear and its inferred northwestward extension
Thomas H. Anderson, José Luis Rodríguez-Castañeda, and Leon T. Silver
3. Pull-apart basins at releasing bends of the sinistral Late Jurassic Mojave-Sonora fault system
Thomas H. Anderson and Jonathan A. Nourse

4. Contrasting Proterozoic basement complexes near the truncated margin of Laurentia, northwestern Sonora-Arizona international border region
Jonathan A. Nourse, Wayne R. Premo, Alexander Iriondo, and Erin R. Stahl
5. Paleoproterozoic Mojave province in northwestern Mexico? Isotopic and U-Pb zircon geochronologic studies of Precambrian and Cambrian crystalline and sedimentary rocks, Caborca, Sonora
G. Lang Farmer, Samuel A. Bowring, Guadalupe Espinosa Maldonado, Christopher Fedo, and Joe Wooden
6. The crust at northwestern Mexico interpreted from Magsat anomalies: Implications for existence of the Mojave-Sonora megashear
J.O. Campos-Enríquez, E. Hernández-Quintero, and M. Lozada-Zumaeta
7. Evidence for Mojave-Sonora megashear — Systematic left-lateral offset of Neoproterozoic to Lower Jurassic strata and facies, western United States and northwestern Mexico
John H. Stewart
8. Review of Upper Paleozoic and Lower Mesozoic stratigraphy and depositional environments, central and west Mexico: Constraints on terrane analysis and paleogeography
Elena Centeno-García
9. New data on the lithostratigraphy, detrital zircon and Nd isotope provenance, and paleogeographic setting of the El Antimonio Group, Sonora, Mexico
Carlos M. González-León, George D. Stanley Jr., George E. Gehrels, and Elena Centeno-García
10. Lower Mesozoic facies and crosscutting sequence boundaries: Constraints on displacement of the Caborca terrane
John E. Marzolf and Thomas H. Anderson
11. Possible Early Triassic location of the Caborca block
Maureen B. Steiner, Oleg Pinos, Spencer G. Lucas, John E. Marzolf, and John W. Estep
12. Middle Jurassic Topawa Group, Baboquivari Mountains, south-central Arizona: Volcanic and sedimentary record of deep basins within the Jurassic magmatic arc
Gordon B. Haxel, James E. Wright, Nancy R. Riggs, Richard M. Tosdal, and Daniel J. May
13. Climatic and tectonic controls on Jurassic intra-arc basins related to northward drift of North America
Cathy J. Busby, Kari N. Bassett, Maureen B. Steiner, and Nancy R. Riggs
14. Tectonic setting of the Glance Conglomerate along the Sawmill Canyon fault zone, southern Arizona: A sequence analysis of an intra-arc strike-slip basin
Kari N. Bassett and Cathy J. Busby
15. Pre–Late Jurassic fossil-bearing volcanic and sedimentary red beds of Huizachal Canyon, Tamaulipas, Mexico
David E. Fastovsky, O. Don Hermes, Nicholas H. Strater, Samuel A. Bowring, James M. Clark, Marisol Montellano, and Rene Hernandez R.
16. The Taray Formation: Jurassic (?) mélange in northern Mexico—Tectonic implications
Thomas H. Anderson, Norris W. Jones, and James W. McKee
17. Pangean reconstruction of the Yucatan block: Its Permian, Triassic, and Jurassic geologic and tectonic history
Maureen B. Steiner
18. Mesozoic basin formation, mass-gravity sedimentation, and inversion in northeastern Sonora and southeastern Arizona
James W. McKee, Mary Beth McKee, and Thomas H. Anderson
19. Reactivation of the San Marcos fault during mid-to-late Tertiary extension, Chihuahua, Mexico
José Jorge Aranda-Gómez, Todd B. Housh, James F. Luhr, Christopher D. Henry, Tim Becker, and Gabriel Chávez-Cabello
20. A reconstruction of late Miocene to Recent transtension in southwestern United States and northwesternmost Mexico
John A. Dembosky Jr. and Thomas H. Anderson

21. Tectonic synthesis of the Ouachita-Marathon-Sonora orogenic margin of southern Laurentia: Stratigraphic and structural implications for timing of deformational events and plate-tectonic model
Forrest G. Poole, William J. Perry Jr., Raul J. Madrid, and Ricardo Amaya-Martínez
22. A new reconstruction of the Paleozoic continental margin of southwestern North America: Implications for the nature and timing of continental truncation and the possible role of the Mojave-Sonora megashear
Calvin H. Stevens, Paul Stone, and Jonathan S. Miller
23. Chihuahua Trough — A Jurassic pull-apart basin
Walter T. Haenggi and William R. Muehlberger
24. Northward Laramide thrusting in the Quitovac region, northwestern Sonora, Mexico: Implications for juxtaposition of Paleoproterozoic basement blocks and the Mojave-Sonora megashear hypothesis
Alexander Iriondo, Luis M. Martínez-Torres, Michael J. Kunk, William W. Atkinson Jr., Wayne R. Premo, and William C. McIntosh
25. Isotopic provinces in Laramide and mid-Tertiary igneous rocks of northwestern Mexico (Chihuahua and Sonora) and their relation to basement configuration
Todd B. Housh and Fred W. McDowell
Index 693