GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 394

Caribbean–South American Plate Interactions, Venezuela

Edited by Hans G. Avé Lallemant and Virginia B. Sisson

H.G. Avé Lallemant and V.B. Sisson

Part I: Overview
1. Plate-kinematics and crustal dynamics of circum-Caribbean arc-continent interactions: Tectonic controls on basin development in Proto-Caribbean margins
J. Pindell, L. Kennan, W.V. Maresch, K.-P. Stanek, G. Draper, and R. Higgs
2. Overview of the southeast Caribbean–South American plate boundary zone
M. Ostos, F. Yoris, and H.G. Avé Lallemant
3. Overview of radiometric ages in three allochthonous belts of northern Venezuela: Old ones, new ones, and their impact on regional geology
V.B. Sisson, H.G. Avé Lallemant, M. Ostos, A.E. Blythe, L.W. Snee, P. Copeland, J.E. Wright, R.A. Donelick, and L.R. Guth

Part II: Allochthonous Belts
4. Geochemistry and tectonic setting of igneous and metaigneous rocks of northern Venezuela
M. Ostos and V.B. Sisson
5. Exhumation of two high-pressure belts, northern Venezuela, based on fluid inclusions in quartz and calcite veins
V.B. Sisson, R. Kessler Cardoso, C. Chaika Harris, S. Huang, and L.M. Unger
6. Geochemical evidence for possible trench provenance and fluid-rock histories, Cordillera de la Costa eclogite belt, Venezuela
S.S. Sorensen, V.B. Sisson, and H.G. Avé Lallemant
7. Exhumation of eclogites and blueschists in northern Venezuela: Constraints from kinematic analysis of deformation structures
H.G. Avé Lallemant and V.B. Sisson
8. The alpine-type Tinaquillo peridotite complex, Venezuela: Fragment of a Jurassic rift zone?
M. Ostos, H.G. Avé Lallemant, and V.B. Sisson
9. Geochemical evidence for island-arc origin of the Villa de Cura blueschist belt, Venezuela
L.M. Unger, V.B. Sisson, and H.G. Avé Lallemant

Part III: (Par)autochthonous Belts
10. Thrust belt interpretation of the Serranía del Interior and Maturín subbasin, eastern Venezuela
E.J. Hung
11. Tectonic and thermal history of the western Serranía del Interior foreland fold and thrust belt and Guárico basin, north-central Venezuela: Implications of new apatite fission-track analysis and seismic interpretation
J. Pérez de Armas
12. Thermal evolution of the eastern Serranía del Interior foreland fold and thrust belt, northeastern Venezuela, based on apatite fission-track analyses
B.D. Locke and J.I. Garver

H.G. Avé Lallemant and V.B. Sisson

