GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 395

Isotopic and Elemental Tracers of Cenozoic Climate Change

Edited by Germán Mora and Donna Surge

1. Reconstructing ancient deep-sea Circulation patterns using the Nd isotopic composition of fossil fish debris
Deborah J. Thomas
2. Molluscan radiocarbon as a proxy for El Niño-related upwelling variations in Peru
C. Fred T. Andrus, Gregory W.L. Hodgins, Daniel H. Sandweiss, and Douglas E. Crowe
3. Reconstruction of subseasonal environmental conditions using bivalve mollusk shells: a graphic model
Bernd R. Schöne, Jon Hickson, and Wolfgang Oschmann
4. Orbital forcing of tropical water balance inferred from sulfur speciation in lake sediments
Germán Mora and Linda Hinnov
5. Use of δD variations in speleothem fluid inclusions for paleoclimate reconstruction
Feride Serefiddin, Henry Schwarcz and Derek Ford
6. Juxtaposed Permian and Pleistocene isotope archives: surficial environments recorded in calcite and goethite from the Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma
Neil J. Tabor and Crayton J. Yapp