GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 396

Kinematics and dynamics of lava flows

Edited by Michael Manga and Guido Ventura

Preface v
1. Structural geology of crystal-rich, silicic lava flows: A case study from San Pietro Island (Sardinia, Italy)
R. Cioni and A. Funedda
2. The kinematics of lava flows inferred from the structural analysis of enclaves: A review
G. Iezzi and G. Ventura
3. Uses of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility in the study of emplacement processes of lava flows
E. Cañón-Tapia
4. Deformation of flow bands by bubbles and crystals
M. Manga
5. New insights on the origin of flow bands in obsidian
J.M. Castro, D.B. Dingwell, A.R.L. Nichols, and J.E. Gardner
6. Crystallization and oxidation during emplacement of lava lobes
D.J.M. Burkhard
7. Morphology, surface structures, and emplacement of lavas produced by Laki, A.D. 1783–1784
M.-N., Guilbaud, S. Self, T. Thordarson, and S. Blake
8. The May–July 2003 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion): Volume, effusion rates, and emplacement mechanisms inferred from thermal imaging and Global Positioning System (GPS) survey
D. Coppola, Th. Staudacher, and C. Cigolini
9. Heat loss measured at a lava channel and its implications for down-channel cooling and rheology
A. Harris, J. Bailey, S. Calvari, and J. Dehn
10. The development of fluid instabilities and preferred pathways in lava flow interiors: Insights from analog experiments and fractal analysis
S.W. Anderson, S.M. McColley, J.H. Fink, and R.K. Hudson
11. Extensional and compressional strain in lava flows and the formation of fractures in surface crust
D.T. Lescinsky and O. Merle
12. Influence of crust thickness on dome destabilization
C. Buisson and O. Merle
13. Lava flow hazard at Mount Etna (Italy): New data from a GIS-based study
B. Behncke, M. Neri, and A. Nagay
14. Computational modeling of lava flows: A review
A. Costa and G. Macedonio