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Table of Contents - Special Paper 397Geoinformatics: Data to KnowledgeEdited by A. Krishna Sinha |
Preface | v | |
1. | Representing geoscientific knowledge in cyberinfrastructure: Some challenges, approaches, and implementations Boyan Brodaric and Mark Gahegan |
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2. | A community effort to construct a gravity database for the United States and an associated Web portal G. Randy Keller, T.G. Hildenbrand, R. Kucks, M. Webring, Allen Briesacher, Kristine Rujawitz, A.M. Hittleman, D.R. Roman, Daniel Winester, R. Aldouri, John Seeley, Jorge Rasillo, Roberto Torres, William J. Hinze, Ann Gates, Vladik Kreinovich, and Leonardo Salayandia |
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3. | The Georgia Basin Digital Library for Sustainable Development: A digital library approach to addressing the societal relevance of geoscientific knowledge Rob Harrap, Sonia Talwar, Murray Journeay, Boyan Brodaric, Ryan Grant, Joost Van Ulden, and Shannon Denny |
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4. | An integrated chronostratigraphic data system for the twenty-first century Paul J. Sikora, James G. Ogg, Anthony Gary, Cinzia Cervato, Felix Gradstein, Brian T. Huber, Charles Marshall, Jeffrey A. Stein, and Bruce Wardlaw |
53 |
5. | A geochemical database for western North American volcanic and intrusive rocks (NAVDAT) J. Douglas Walker, Todd D. Bowers, Ross A. Black, Allen F. Glazner, G. Lang Farmer, and Richard W. Carlson |
61 |
6. | Building the American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database: A recipe for construction of a small Internet database Hareesh Rajan, Hinako Uchida, Deborah L. Bryan, Ranjini Swaminathan, Robert T. Downs, and Michelle Hall-Wallace |
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7. | Geoscience concept models Stephen M. Richard |
81 |
8. | Managing scientific data: From data integration to scientific workflows Bertram Ludäscher, Kai Lin, Shawn Bowers, Efrat Jaeger-Frank, Boyan Brodaric, and Chaitan Baru |
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9. | Active tectonics, tectonic geomorphology, and fault system dynamics: How geoinformatics can help J Ramón Arrowsmith |
131 |
10. | Fusion of Landsat ETM+ and radar data to enhance the extraction of surface and near-subsurface information Hongjie Xie and G. Randy Keller |
141 |
11. | Data fusion in geophysics: Seismic tomography and crustal structure in Poland as an example Matthew G. Averill, G. Randy Keller, Kate C. Miller, Piotr Sroda, Tiffni Bond, and Aaron Velasco |
153 |
12. | Schema to ontology for igneous rocks A.K. Sinha, A. Zendel, B. Brodaric, C. Barnes, and Jihane Najdi |
169 |
13. | GeoNet: Use of grid technologies in geoinformatics for the transition zone between the Colorado Plateau and the Basin and Range province Leonardo Salayandia, Yuan Huang, Ann Q. Gates, and Steven Roach |
183 |
14. | Development of ontologies for earth system science Rob Raskin |
195 |
15. | The case for transforming the geological survey knowledge system: Where digital geoscience spatial models meet the semantic Grid T.V. Loudon |
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16. | The concept of geological uncertainties and new ways of their geomathematical evaluation György Bárdossy and János Fodor |
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17. | Application of fuzzy arithmetic and prior information to the assessment of the completeness of a mineral exploration program: A case study György Bárdossy and János Fodor |
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18. | The system integrator in distributed data systems: The OPeNDAP Data Connector (ODC) Peter Cornillon, John Chamberlain, and Daniel Holloway |
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19. | Bird’s-eye view of data mining in geosciences Rahul Ramachandran, John Rushing, Xiang Li, Chandrika Kamath, Helen Conover, and Sara Graves |
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20. | A new GIS-driven geophysical database for the southwestern United States Jesse B. Yoburn, Matthew J. Fouch, J Ramón Arrowsmith, and G. Randy Keller |
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21. | Designing a modular architecture for the structural geology ontology Hassan A. Babaie, John S. Oldow, Abbed Babaei, Hans G. Avé Lallemant, and A. John Watkinson |
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