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Table of Contents - Special Paper 399Wetlands Through Timeedited by Stephen F. Greb and William A. DiMichele |
Preface | v | |
1. | Evolution and importance of wetlands in earth history Stephen F. Greb, William A. DiMichele, and Robert A. Gastaldo |
1 |
2. | Wetlands before tracheophytes: Thalloid terrestrial communities of the Early Silurian Passage Creek biota (Virginia) Alexandru Mihail Florian Tomescu and Gar W. Rothwell |
41 |
3. | Sedimentology and taphonomy of the Early to Middle Devonian plant-bearing beds of the Trout Valley Formation, Maine Jonathan P. Allen and Robert A. Gastaldo |
57 |
4. | Plant paleoecology of the Late Devonian Red Hill locality, north-central Pennsylvania, an Archaeopteris-dominated wetland plant community and early tetrapod site Walter L. Cressler III |
79 |
5. | Tournaisian forested wetlands in the Horton Group of Atlantic Canada Michael C. Rygel, John H. Calder, Martin R. Gibling, Murray K. Gingras, and Camilla S.A. Melrose |
103 |
6. | The Fayetteville Flora of Arkansas (USA): A snapshot of terrestrial vegetation patterns within a clastic swamp at Late Mississippian time Michael T. Dunn, Gar W. Rothwell, and Gene Mapes |
127 |
7. | A Late Mississippian back-barrier marsh ecosystem in the Black Warrior and Appalachian Basins Robert A. Gastaldo, Michael A. Gibson, and Allyn Blanton-Hooks |
139 |
8. | The Hancock County tetrapod locality: A new Mississippian (Chesterian) wetlands fauna from western Kentucky (USA) William J. Garcia, Glenn W. Storrs, and Stephen F. Greb |
155 |
9. | A fossil lycopsid forest succession in the classic Joggins section of Nova Scotia: Paleoecology of a disturbance-prone Pennsylvanian wetland John H. Calder, Martin R. Gibling, Andrew C. Scott, Sarah J. Davies, and Brian L. Hebert |
169 |
10. | Compositional characteristics and inferred origin of three Late Pennsylvanian coal beds from the northern Appalachian Basin Cortland F. Eble, William C. Grady, and Brenda S. Pierce |
197 |
11. | From wetlands to wet spots: Environmental tracking and the fate of Carboniferous elements in Early Permian tropical floras William A. DiMichele, Neil J. Tabor, Dan S. Chaney, and W. John Nelson |
223 |
12. | Carbon isotopic evidence for terminal-Permian methane outbursts and their role in extinctions of animals, plants, coral reefs, and peat swamps Gregory J. Retallack and Evelyn S. Krull |
249 |
13. | Controls on the formation of an anomalously thick Cretaceous-age coal mire T.A. Moore, Z. Li, and N.A. Moore |
269 |
14. | Paleoecology of a late Pleistocene wetland and associated mastodon remains in the Hudson Valley, southeastern New York State Norton G. Miller and Peter L. Nester |
291 |
Index | 305 |