GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 399

Wetlands Through Time

edited by Stephen F. Greb and William A. DiMichele

Preface v
1. Evolution and importance of wetlands in earth history
Stephen F. Greb, William A. DiMichele, and Robert A. Gastaldo
2. Wetlands before tracheophytes: Thalloid terrestrial communities of the Early Silurian Passage Creek biota (Virginia)
Alexandru Mihail Florian Tomescu and Gar W. Rothwell
3. Sedimentology and taphonomy of the Early to Middle Devonian plant-bearing beds of the Trout Valley Formation, Maine
Jonathan P. Allen and Robert A. Gastaldo
4. Plant paleoecology of the Late Devonian Red Hill locality, north-central Pennsylvania, an Archaeopteris-dominated wetland plant community and early tetrapod site
Walter L. Cressler III
5. Tournaisian forested wetlands in the Horton Group of Atlantic Canada
Michael C. Rygel, John H. Calder, Martin R. Gibling, Murray K. Gingras, and Camilla S.A. Melrose
6. The Fayetteville Flora of Arkansas (USA): A snapshot of terrestrial vegetation patterns within a clastic swamp at Late Mississippian time
Michael T. Dunn, Gar W. Rothwell, and Gene Mapes
7. A Late Mississippian back-barrier marsh ecosystem in the Black Warrior and Appalachian Basins
Robert A. Gastaldo, Michael A. Gibson, and Allyn Blanton-Hooks
8. The Hancock County tetrapod locality: A new Mississippian (Chesterian) wetlands fauna from western Kentucky (USA)
William J. Garcia, Glenn W. Storrs, and Stephen F. Greb
9. A fossil lycopsid forest succession in the classic Joggins section of Nova Scotia: Paleoecology of a disturbance-prone Pennsylvanian wetland
John H. Calder, Martin R. Gibling, Andrew C. Scott, Sarah J. Davies, and Brian L. Hebert
10. Compositional characteristics and inferred origin of three Late Pennsylvanian coal beds from the northern Appalachian Basin
Cortland F. Eble, William C. Grady, and Brenda S. Pierce
11. From wetlands to wet spots: Environmental tracking and the fate of Carboniferous elements in Early Permian tropical floras
William A. DiMichele, Neil J. Tabor, Dan S. Chaney, and W. John Nelson
12. Carbon isotopic evidence for terminal-Permian methane outbursts and their role in extinctions of animals, plants, coral reefs, and peat swamps
Gregory J. Retallack and Evelyn S. Krull
13. Controls on the formation of an anomalously thick Cretaceous-age coal mire
T.A. Moore, Z. Li, and N.A. Moore
14. Paleoecology of a late Pleistocene wetland and associated mastodon remains in the Hudson Valley, southeastern New York State
Norton G. Miller and Peter L. Nester
Index 305