GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 404

Perspectives on karst geomorphology, hydrology, and geochemistry — A tribute volume to Derek C. Ford and William B. White

edited by Russell S. Harmon and Carol Wicks

A North American tribute to Derek C. Ford and William B. White
Arthur N. Palmer and Russell S. Harmon
Derek Ford and Will White: A tribute from an international perspective
Paul W. Williams
Abbreviated curriculum vitae—Derek C. Ford
Abbreviated curriculum vitae—William B. White

1. Karst geomorphology, caves and cave deposits: A review of North American contributions during the past half century
Derek C. Ford
2. Importance of regional study site conditions in elaborating concepts and approaches in karst science
Michel Bakalowicz
3. Identification and analysis of early flow paths in branchwork caves in West Virginia, USA
Roy A. Jameson
4. The role of sandstone in the development of an Ozark karst system, south-central Missouri
Randall C. Orndorff, David J. Weary, and Richard W. Harrison
5. Five million years of Appalachian landscape evolution preserved in cave sediments
Darlene M. Anthony and Darryl E. Granger
6. Speleogenesis of the Mount Elgon elephant caves, Kenya
Joyce Lundberg and Donald A. McFarlane
7. Karst evolution of the Nullarbor Plain, Australia
John A. Webb and Julia M. James
8. Volcanogenic karstification of Sistema Zacatón, Mexico
Marcus O. Gary and John M. Sharp Jr.
9. Integration of a large tropical cave network in brecciated limestone: Caves Branch, Belize
Thomas E. Miller
10. Cave development on the Caribbean coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Peter L. Smart, Patricia A. Beddows, Jim Coke, Stefan Doerr, Samantha Smith, and Fiona F. Whitaker
11. Karst of the Mariana Islands: The interaction of tectonics, glacio-eustasy and freshwater/seawater mixing in island carbonates
John W. Jenson, Thomas M. Keel, Joan R. Mylroie, John E. Mylroie, Kevin W. Stafford, Danko Taboroši, and Curt Wexel

12. Fifty years of karst hydrology and hydrogeology: 1953–2003
William B. White
13. Water quality characteristics and contaminants in the rural karst-dominated Spring Mill Lake watershed, southern Indiana
Nancy R. Hasenmueller, Mark A. Buehler, Noel C. Krothe, John B. Comer, Tracy D. Branam, Margaret V. Ennis, Ronald T. Smith, Dianna D. Zamani, Leighanne Hahn, and James P. Rybarczyk
14. Conductivity and sediment variation during storms as evidence of pathways to karst springs
Laura Toran, Jennifer H. Tancredi, Ellen K. Herman, and William B. White
15. Estimating aquifer-scale porosity and the REV for karst limestones using GIS-based spatial analysis
Alex K. Manda and Michael R. Gross
16. Application of carbonate cyclostratigraphy and borehole geophysics to delineate porosity and preferential flow in the karst limestone of the Biscayne Aquifer, SE Florida
Kevin J. Cunningham, Robert A. Renken, Michael A. Wacker, Michael R. Zygnerski, Edward Robinson, Allen M. Shapiro, and G. Lynn Wingard
17. Monitoring well responses to karst conduit head fluctuations: Implications for fluid exchange and matrix transmissivity in the Floridan aquifer
Jennifer M. Martin, Elizabeth J. Screaton, and Jonathan B. Martin
18. Nonmechanical dewatering of the regional Floridan aquifer system
Sydney T. Bacchus
19. Karst aquifers and the role of assumptions and authority in science
Ralph O. Ewers
20. Digital modeling of karst aquifers—Successes, failures, and promises
Arthur N. Palmer

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, and Biology
21. Geochemical indicators of groundwater recharge in the surficial aquifer system: Everglades National Park, Florida, USA
René M. Price and Peter K. Swart
22. Comparative storm response of contaminants in a carbonate aquifer, Fort Campbell, Kentucky-Tennessee
Dorothy J. Vesper and William B. White
23. CO2 outgassing in a combined fracture and conduit karst aquifer near Lititz Spring, Pennsylvania
Laura Toran and Eric Roman
24. Caves of Niue Island, South Pacific: Speleothems and water geochemistry
Paul Aharon, Michael Rasbury, and Valeriu Murgulet
25. Calcitization of argonite speleothems in limestone caves in Korea: Diagenetic process in a semiclosed system
Kyung Sik Woo and Don Won Choi
26. Biologically influenced carbonate speleothems
Danko Taboroši
27. Speleothem paleoluminescence—The past twenty years
Yavor Y. Shopov
28. The microbial communities of sulfur caves: A newly appreciated geologically driven system on Earth and potential model for Mars
Penelope J. Boston, Louise D. Hose, Diana E. Northrup, and Michael N. Spilde