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Table of Contents - Special Paper 405Processes on the Early Earthedited by Wolf Uwe Reimold and Roger L. Gibson |
Preface | |
1. | The record of impact processes on the early Earth: A review of the first 2.5 billion years Christian Koeberl |
2. | Large-scale impacts and the evolution of the Earth’s crust: The early years Richard A.F. Grieve, Mark J. Cintala, and Ann M. Therriault |
3. | Archean spherule layers in the Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa: A discussion of problems related to the impact interpretation Axel Hofmann, Wolf Uwe Reimold, and Christian Koeberl |
4. | Diagenetic alteration of impact spherules in the Neoarchean Monteville layer, South Africa Issaku Kohl, Bruce M. Simonson, and Melissa Berke |
5. | Relicts of Earth’s earliest crust: U-Pb, Lu-Hf, and morphological characteristics of >3.7 Ga detrital zircon of the western Canadian Shield R.P. Hartlaub, L.M. Heaman, A. Simonetti, and C.O. Böhm |
6. | Precise U-Pb Zircon ID-TIMS ages provide an alternative interpretation to early ion microprobe ages and new insights into Archean crustal processes, northern Labrador Thomas E. Krogh and Sandra L. Kamo |
7. | The 3.466 Ga “Kitty’s Gap Chert,” an Early Archean microbial ecosystem Frances Westall, Sjoukje T. de Vries, Wouter Nijman, Virgile Rouchon, Beate Orberger, Victoria Pearson, Jon Watson, Alexander Verchovsky, Ian Wright, Jean-Noël Rouzaud, Daniele Marchesini, and Anne Severine |
8. | Microfacies and origin of some Archean cherts (Pilbara, Australia) Beate Orberger, Virgile Rouchon, Frances Westall, Sjoukje T. de Vries, Daniele L. Pinti, Christiane Wagner, Richard Wirth, and Ko Hashizume |
9. | Contrasting source components of clastic metasedimentary rocks in the lowermost formations of the Barberton greenstone belt Annika Dziggel, Gary Stevens, Marc Poujol, and Richard A. Armstrong |
10. | The significance of subduction-related accretionary complexes in early Earth processes John W. Shervais |
11. | A reevaluation of Archean intracratonic terrane boundaries on the Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa: Collisional suture zones? Carl R. Anhaeusser |
12. | Syntectonic emplacement and deformation of the Heerenveen batholith: Conjectures on the structural setting of the 3.1 Ga granite magmatism in the Barberton granite-greenstone terrain, South Africa Richard W. Belcher and Alexander F.M. Kisters |
13. | SHRIMP zircon age constraints on Mesoarchean crustal development in the Vredefort dome, central Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa Richard A. Armstrong, Cristiano Lana, Wolf Uwe Reimold, and Roger L. Gibson |
14. | Physical volcanology and compositions of the basaltic lavas in the Archean Nzuse Group, White Mfolozi inlier, South Africa Allan H. Wilson and Claire E. Grant |
15. | The structural-metamorphic evolution of the northern margin of the Zimbabwe Craton and the adjacent Zambezi belt in northeastern Zimbabwe Paul H.G.M. Dirks and Hielke A. Jelsma |
16. | The Limpopo Belt: A result of Archean to Proterozoic, Turkic-type orogenesis? J.M. Barton Jr., R. Klemd, and A. Zeh |
17. | Origin of hydrothermal fluids and gold mineralization associated with the Ventersdorp Contact Reef, Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa: Constraints from S, O, and H isotopes B. Zhao, L.J. Robb, C. Harris and L.J. Jordaan |
18. | The nature of hydrocarbons and related fluids in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa: Their role in metal redistribution G.R. Drennan and L.J. Robb |
19. | Conditions of gold remobilization in the Ventersdorp Contact Reef, Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa Rudy H. Boer and Wolf Uwe Reimold |