Preface |
vii |
Abstract |
1 |
Introduction and Purpose |
3 |
Temper Terminology |
3 |
Temper Varieties |
3 |
Temper and Paste |
4 |
Sampling Strategy |
5 |
Temper Suites |
5 |
Topical Treatment |
5 |
Scientific Benefits |
7 |
Oceanian Cultural Context |
7 |
Ceramic Assemblages |
7 |
Lapita Sherds |
10 |
Environmental Changes |
10 |
Sea-Level Highstand |
11 |
Geotectonic Temper Classes |
11 |
Geotectonic Patterns |
14 |
Western Subregion |
14 |
Central Subregion |
14 |
Eastern Subregion |
20 |
Temper Textural Properties |
20 |
Beach and Stream Sand Tempers |
20 |
Natural and Manually Added Tempers |
21 |
Epiclastic and Pyroclastic Tempers |
21 |
Grog and Crushed-Rock Tempers |
21 |
Terrigenous Grain Types |
21 |
Grain Groups |
22 |
Mineral Identification |
23 |
Light Minerals |
23 |
Heavy Minerals |
25 |
Lithic Fragments |
26 |
Temper Compositional Modes |
27 |
Grain Counting |
27 |
Ternary Plots |
28 |
Supplemental Parameters |
29 |
Oceanic Basalt Tempers |
29 |
Overall Composition |
30 |
Caroline Tempers |
30 |
Rotuma-Uvea Tempers |
32 |
Samoan Tempers |
32 |
Marquesan Tempers |
37 |
Andesitic Arc Tempers |
38 |
Overall Composition |
39 |
Bonin Temper |
40 |
Mariana Tempers |
40 |
Yap Volcanic Tempers |
44 |
Palau Tempers |
46 |
Halmahera Tempers |
47 |
Lease Temper |
47 |
Banda Temper |
50 |
Bismarck Arc Tempers |
50 |
Solomon Arc Tempers |
56 |
Vanuatu Tempers |
61 |
Fiji Platform Arc Tempers |
67 |
Lau Remnant Arc Temper |
70 |
Tongan Tempers |
71 |
Postarc and Backarc Tempers |
75 |
Backarc Admiralty Tempers |
75 |
Postarc TLTF Tempers |
76 |
Backarc Vanuatu Tempers |
79 |
Horne Islands Tempers |
79 |
Postarc Fiji-Lau Tempers |
80 |
Dissected Orogen Tempers |
87 |
Torres Strait Temper |
88 |
Aitape Coast Tempers |
88 |
Bismarck Archipelago |
88 |
Muyua (Woodlark) Temper |
91 |
Solomon Islands |
91 |
Southern Viti Levu |
92 |
Tectonic Highland Tempers |
95 |
Yap Metavolcanic Temper |
96 |
Outer Banda Arc Tempers |
97 |
Aru Islands Temper |
98 |
D’Entrecasteaux Temper |
98 |
New Caledonia Tempers |
99 |
Comparative Temper Compositions |
101 |
Heavy Minerals |
101 |
Light Minerals |
104 |
Lithic Fragments |
104 |
Patterns of Ceramic Transfer |
105 |
Anomalous Sherds |
107 |
Micronesian Region |
107 |
Molucca-Arafura Region |
109 |
Bismarck-Solomon Region |
112 |
New Caledonia–Vanuatu Region |
115 |
Fiji-Lau Region |
116 |
Outward from Fiji |
117 |
Tonga Relations |
118 |
Transfer Distances |
119 |
Summary and Conclusions |
120 |
Acknowledgments |
121 |
References Cited |
122 |
Appendix 1: Catalogue of Prehistoric Oceanian Potsherds Examined Petrographically in Thin Section |
138 |
Appendix 2: Sherd Photomicrographs |
151 |
Appendix 3: Index to Islands, Island Groups, and Archaeological Sites |
161 |