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Table of Contents - Special Paper 407

Evolution of an Andean margin: A Tectonic and Magmatic View from the Andes to the Neuquén Basin (35°–39°S lat)

edited by Suzanne Mahlburg Kay and Victor A. Ramos

Dedication: Pablo Groeber (1885–1964)
1. Overview of the tectonic evolution of the southern Central Andes of Mendoza and Neuquén (35°–39°S latitude)
V.A. Ramos and S.M. Kay
2. Upper Cretaceous to Holocene magmatism and evidence for transient Miocene shallowing of the Andean subduction zone under the northern Neuquén Basin S.M. Kay, W.M. Burns, P. Copeland, and O. Mancilla
3. Deep seismic images of the Southern Andes
X. Yuan, G. Asch, K. Bataille, G. Bock, M. Bohm, H. Echtler, R. Kind, O. Oncken, and I. Wölbern
4. Neogene tectonic evolution of the Neuquén Andes western flank (37–39°S)
D. Melnick, M. Rosenau, A. Folguera, and H. Echtler
5. Intraplate deformation in the Neuquén Embayment
A. Mosquera and V.A. Ramos
6. Structural evolution and magmatic characteristics of the Agrio fold-and-thrust belt
G. Zamora Valcarce, T. Zapata, D. del Pino, and A. Ansa
7. Synrift geometry of the Neuquén Basin in northeastern Neuquén Province, Argentina
E. Cristallini, G. Bottesi, A. Gavarrino, L. Rodríguez, R. Tomezzoli, and R. Comeron
8. The case for extensional tectonics in the Oligocene-Miocene Southern Andes as recorded in the Cura Mallín basin (36°–38°S)
W.M. Burns, T.E. Jordan, P. Copeland, and S.A. Kelley
9. Early to middle Miocene backarc magmas of the Neuquén Basin: Geochemical consequences of slab shallowing and the westward drift of South America
S.M. Kay and P. Copeland
10. Evolution of the late Miocene Chachahuén volcanic complex at 37°S over a transient shallow subduction zone under the Neuquén Andes
S.M. Kay, O. Mancilla, and P. Copeland
11. Miocene to Quaternary deformation of the Guañacos fold-and-thrust belt in the Neuquén Andes between 37° and 37°30'S
A. Folguera, V.A. Ramos, E.F. González Díaz, and R. Hermanns
12. Late Cenozoic extension and the evolution of the Neuquén Andes
A. Folguera, T. Zapata, and V.A. Ramos
13. Upper Pliocene to Lower Pleistocene volcanic complexes and Upper Neogene deformation in the south-central Andes (36°30’–38°S)
F. Miranda, A. Folguera, P.R. Leal, J.A. Naranjo, and A. Pesce
14. The Pliocene to Quaternary narrowing of the Southern Andean volcanic arc between 37° and 41°S latitude
L.E. Lara and A. Folguera
15. Geochemistry and isotopic characteristics of the Caviahue-Copahue volcanic complex, Province of Neuquén, Argentina
J.C. Varekamp, J. Maarten deMoor, M.D. Merrill, A.S. Colvin, A.R. Goss, P.Z. Vroon, and D.R. Hilton
16. Index