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Table of Contents - Special Paper 407Evolution of an Andean margin: A Tectonic and Magmatic View from the Andes to the Neuquén Basin (35°–39°S lat)edited by Suzanne Mahlburg Kay and Victor A. Ramos |
Dedication: Pablo Groeber (1885–1964) | |
Preface | |
1. | Overview of the tectonic evolution of the southern Central Andes of Mendoza and Neuquén (35°–39°S latitude) V.A. Ramos and S.M. Kay |
2. | Upper Cretaceous to Holocene magmatism and evidence for transient Miocene shallowing of the Andean subduction zone under the northern Neuquén Basin S.M. Kay, W.M. Burns, P. Copeland, and O. Mancilla |
3. | Deep seismic images of the Southern Andes
X. Yuan, G. Asch, K. Bataille, G. Bock, M. Bohm, H. Echtler, R. Kind, O. Oncken, and I. Wölbern |
4. | Neogene tectonic evolution of the Neuquén Andes western flank (37–39°S)
D. Melnick, M. Rosenau, A. Folguera, and H. Echtler |
5. | Intraplate deformation in the Neuquén Embayment
A. Mosquera and V.A. Ramos |
6. | Structural evolution and magmatic characteristics of the Agrio fold-and-thrust belt
G. Zamora Valcarce, T. Zapata, D. del Pino, and A. Ansa |
7. | Synrift geometry of the Neuquén Basin in northeastern Neuquén Province, Argentina
E. Cristallini, G. Bottesi, A. Gavarrino, L. Rodríguez, R. Tomezzoli, and R. Comeron |
8. | The case for extensional tectonics in the Oligocene-Miocene Southern Andes as recorded in the Cura Mallín basin (36°–38°S)
W.M. Burns, T.E. Jordan, P. Copeland, and S.A. Kelley |
9. | Early to middle Miocene backarc magmas of the Neuquén Basin: Geochemical consequences of slab shallowing and the westward drift of South America
S.M. Kay and P. Copeland |
10. | Evolution of the late Miocene Chachahuén volcanic complex at 37°S over a transient shallow subduction zone under the Neuquén Andes
S.M. Kay, O. Mancilla, and P. Copeland |
11. | Miocene to Quaternary deformation of the Guañacos fold-and-thrust belt in the Neuquén Andes between 37° and 37°30'S
A. Folguera, V.A. Ramos, E.F. González Díaz, and R. Hermanns |
12. | Late Cenozoic extension and the evolution of the Neuquén Andes
A. Folguera, T. Zapata, and V.A. Ramos |
13. | Upper Pliocene to Lower Pleistocene volcanic complexes and Upper Neogene deformation in the south-central Andes (36°30’–38°S)
F. Miranda, A. Folguera, P.R. Leal, J.A. Naranjo, and A. Pesce |
14. | The Pliocene to Quaternary narrowing of the Southern Andean volcanic arc between 37° and 41°S latitude
L.E. Lara and A. Folguera |
15. | Geochemistry and isotopic characteristics of the Caviahue-Copahue volcanic complex, Province of Neuquén, Argentina
J.C. Varekamp, J. Maarten deMoor, M.D. Merrill, A.S. Colvin, A.R. Goss, P.Z. Vroon, and D.R. Hilton |
16. | Index |