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Table of Contents - Special Paper 409

Postcollisional Tectonics and Magmatism in the Mediterranean Region and Asia

edited by Yildirim Dilek and Spyros Pavlides

1. Collision tectonics of the Mediterranean region: Causes and consequences
Y. Dilek
2. Geodynamic connection between the indentation of Arabia and the Neogene tectonics of the central–eastern Mediterranean region
E. Mantovani, M. Viti, D. Babbucci, C. Tamburelli, and D. Albarello
3. Present-day tectonics in and around the Adria plate inferred from GPS measurements
Y. Altiner, Ž. Bačić, T. Bašić, A. Coticchia, M. Medved, M. Mulić, and B. Nurçe
4. Collisional and postcollisional tectonics of the Apenninic-Maghrebian orogen (southern Italy)
F. Lentini, S. Carbone, and P. Guarnieri
5. Coexisting geodynamic processes in the Sicily Channel
G. Corti, M. Cuffaro, C. Doglioni, F. Innocenti, and P. Manetti
6. Postcollisional contractional and extensional deformation in the Aegean region
S. Kokkalas, P. Xypolias, I. Koukouvelas, and T. Doutsos
7. Tertiary and Quaternary tectonics of Greece
D. Mountrakis
8. Paleomagnetism and the tectonic evolution of the Ionian zone, northwestern Greece
L. Broadley, E. Platzman, J. Platt, M. Papanikolaou, and S. Matthews
9. Pleistocene glacial history of Mount Olympus, Greece: Neotectonic uplift, equilibrium line elevations, and implications for climatic change
G.W. Smith, R.D. Nance, and A.N. Genes
10. Paleoseismological investigations of Aegean-type active faults in mainland Greece and their implications
S. Pavlides, R. Caputo, I. Koukouvelas, S. Kokkalas, and A. Chatzipetros
11. Active faulting in the north Aegean basin
D. Papanikolaou, M. Alexandri, and P. Nomikou
12. Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the eastern Rhodope massif (Bulgaria): Basement structure and kinematics of syn- to postcollisional extensional deformation
N. Bonev
13. Cumulate xenoliths in Oligocene alkaline basaltic and lamprophyric dikes from the eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria: Evidence for the existence of layered plutons under the metamorphic core complexes
P. Marchev, S. Arai, and O. Vaselli
14. Unique features of the Cenozoic igneous rocks of Greece
G. Pe-Piper and D.J.W. Piper
15. Tertiary volcanic rocks from Samothraki island (north Aegean, Greece): Sr and Nd isotope constraints on their evolution
M. Vlahou, G. Christofides, G. Eleftheriadis, L. Pinarelli, and A. Koroneos
16. Helium and heat distribution in western Anatolia, Turkey: Relationship to active extension and volcanism
N. Güleç and D.R. Hilton
17. Timing and nature of postcollisional volcanism in western Anatolia and geodynamic implications
Ş. Altunkaynak and Y. Dilek
18. Postcollisional extensional tectonics and exhumation of the Menderes massif in the Western Anatolia extended terrane, Turkey
I. Çemen, E.J. Catlos, O. Göğüs, and C. Özerdem
19. Slab break-off and syncollisional origin of the Late Cretaceous magmatism in the Central Anatolian crystalline complex, Turkey
Y.K. Kadıoğlu, Y. Dilek, and K.A. Foland
20. Paleomagnetic analysis of neotectonic deformation in the Anatolian accretionary collage, Turkey
J.D.A. Piper, O. Tatar, H. Gürsoy, F. Koçbulut, and B.L. Mesci
21. Anatolian escape tectonics driven by Eocene crustal thickening and Neogene–Quaternary extensional collapse in the eastern Mediterranean region
D. Dhont, J. Chorowicz, and P. Luxey
22. Structure and tectonic evolution of the Anatolian plateau in eastern Turkey
M. Barazangi, E. Sandvol, and D. Seber
23. Magma-crust interactions and magma plumbing in a postcollisional setting: Geochemical evidence from the Erzurum-Kars volcanic plateau, eastern Turkey
M. Keskin, J.A. Pearce, P.D. Kempton, and P. Greenwood
24. Petrology and geochemistry of postcollisional volcanic rocks from the Tibetan plateau: Implications for lithosphere heterogeneity and collision-induced asthenospheric mantle flow
X. Mo, Z. Zhao, J. Deng, M. Flower, X. Yu, Z. Luo, Y. Li, S. Zhou, G. Dong, D. Zhu, and L. Wang
25. Active tectonics of the Caucasus: Earthquake source mechanisms and rupture histories obtained from inversion of teleseismic body waveforms
O. Tan and T. Taymaz
26. Contrasting styles of convergence in the Arabia-Eurasia collision: Why escape tectonics does not occur in Iran
M.B. Allen, E.J.-P. Blanc, R. Walker, J. Jackson, M. Talebian, and M.R. Ghassemi
27. Geomorphological, depositional, and foraminiferal indicators of late Quaternary tectonic uplift in Iskenderun Bay, Turkey
V. Yanko-Hombach, H. Koral, N. Avsar, I. Motnenko, and M. McGann
28. Tectonic control on mud volcanoes and fluid seeps in the Anaximander Mountains, eastern Mediterranean Sea
T.A.C. Zitter, C. Huguen, J. ten Veen, and J.M. Woodside