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Table of Contents - Special Paper 410Geological Studies in the Klamath Mountains Province, California and Oregon: A Volume in Honor of William P. Irwinedited by Arthur W. Snoke and Calvin G. Barnes |
Dedication | |
Acknowledgments | |
1. | The development of tectonic concepts for the Klamath Mountains province, California and Oregon A.W. Snoke and C.G. Barnes |
2. | Faunal evidence for the tectonic transport of Jurassic terranes in Oregon, California, and Mexico E.A. Pessagno Jr. |
3. | A rift-edge facies of the Late Jurassic Rogue–Chetco arc and Josephine ophiolite, Klamath Mountains, Oregon J.D. Yule, J.B. Saleeby, and C.G. Barnes |
4. | Petrology, geochemistry, and provenance of the Galice Formation, Klamath Mountains, Oregon and California J.H. MacDonald Jr., G.D. Harper, and Bin Zhu |
5. | Nd and Sr isotopic data from argillaceous rocks of the Galice Formation and Rattlesnake Creek terrane, Klamath Mountains: Evidence for the input of Precambrian sources C.D. Frost, C.G. Barnes, and A.W. Snoke |
6. | Structure of syn-Nevadan dikes and their relationship to deformation of the Galice Formation, western Klamath terrane, northwestern California G.D. Harper |
7. | Structural and tectonic evolution of the western Jurassic belt along the Klamath River corridor, Klamath Mountains, California G.G. Gray |
8. | Geochemistry of ophiolitic rocks associated with the western part of the Elk outlier of the western Klamath terrane, southwestern Oregon M.J. Giaramita and G.D. Harper |
9. | Tectonic emplacement of the Snowcamp remnant of the Coast Range ophiolite near Game Lake, southwestern Oregon A. Schoonmaker, G.D. Harper, and M.T. Heizler |
10. | Petrology and geochemistry of the Middle Jurassic Ironside Mountain batholith: Evolution of potassic magmas in a primitive arc setting C.G. Barnes, E.V. Mars, S. Swapp, and C.D. Frost |
11. | Ages and some cryptic sources of Mesozoic plutonic rocks in the Klamath Mountains, California and Oregon C.M. Allen and C.G. Barnes |
12. | Magma mixing and mingling in the Grayback pluton, Klamath Mountains, Oregon K. Johnson and C.G. Barnes |
13. | Depth of origin of late Middle Jurassic garnet andesite, southern Klamath Mountains C.G. Barnes and C.M. Allen |
14. | Geology of the Bear Mountain intrusive complex, Klamath Mountains, California J.C. Bushey, A.W. Snoke, C.G. Barnes, and C.D. Frost |
15. | New U-Pb radiometric dates of the Bear Mountain intrusive complex, Klamath Mountains, California K.R. Chamberlain, A.W. Snoke, C.G. Barnes, and J.C. Bushey |
16. | Structural and petrologic evolution of the Bear Peak intrusive complex, Klamath Mountains, California R.R. McFadden, A.W. Snoke, and C.G. Barnes |
17. | Arc plutonism following regional thrusting: Petrology and geochemistry of syn- and post-Nevadan plutons in the Siskiyou Mountains, Klamath Mountains province, California C.G. Barnes, A.W. Snoke, G.D. Harper, C.D. Frost, R.R. McFadden, J.C. Bushey, and M.A.W. Barnes |
18. | Geologic-petrochemical comparison of early Mesozoic mafic arc terranes: Western Paleozoic and Triassic belt, Klamath Mountains, and Jura-Triassic arc belt, Sierran Foothills H.H. Scherer, C.A. Snow, and W.G. Ernst |
19. | A reevaluation of the paleotectonic significance of the Paleozoic Central Metamorphic terrane, eastern Klamath Mountains, California: New constraints from trace element geochemistry and 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology W.M. Barrow and R.V. Metcalf |
20. | Ediacaran cyclomedusoids and the paleogeographic setting of the Neoproterozoic–early Paleozoic Yreka and Trinity terranes, eastern Klamath Mountains, California N. Lindsley-Griffin, J.R. Griffin, J.D. Farmer, E.A. Sivers, B. Bruckno, and M.K. Tozer |
21. | Cataclastic textures in La Grange fault rocks, Klamath Mountains, California S.M. Cashman and K.V. Cashman |
22. | The Klamath peneplain: A review of J.S. Diller’s classic erosion surface K.R. Aalto |
23. | Permian-Jurassic growth and amalgamation of the Wallowa composite terrane, northeastern Oregon M.A. Kays, J.P. Stimac, and P. Goebel |
Index |