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Table of Contents - Special Paper 410

Geological Studies in the Klamath Mountains Province, California and Oregon: A Volume in Honor of William P. Irwin

edited by Arthur W. Snoke and Calvin G. Barnes

1. The development of tectonic concepts for the Klamath Mountains province, California and Oregon
A.W. Snoke and C.G. Barnes
2. Faunal evidence for the tectonic transport of Jurassic terranes in Oregon, California, and Mexico
E.A. Pessagno Jr.
3. A rift-edge facies of the Late Jurassic Rogue–Chetco arc and Josephine ophiolite, Klamath Mountains, Oregon
J.D. Yule, J.B. Saleeby, and C.G. Barnes
4. Petrology, geochemistry, and provenance of the Galice Formation, Klamath Mountains, Oregon and California
J.H. MacDonald Jr., G.D. Harper, and Bin Zhu
5. Nd and Sr isotopic data from argillaceous rocks of the Galice Formation and Rattlesnake Creek terrane, Klamath Mountains: Evidence for the input of Precambrian sources
C.D. Frost, C.G. Barnes, and A.W. Snoke
6. Structure of syn-Nevadan dikes and their relationship to deformation of the Galice Formation, western Klamath terrane, northwestern California
G.D. Harper
7. Structural and tectonic evolution of the western Jurassic belt along the Klamath River corridor, Klamath Mountains, California
G.G. Gray
8. Geochemistry of ophiolitic rocks associated with the western part of the Elk outlier of the western Klamath terrane, southwestern Oregon
M.J. Giaramita and G.D. Harper
9. Tectonic emplacement of the Snowcamp remnant of the Coast Range ophiolite near Game Lake, southwestern Oregon
A. Schoonmaker, G.D. Harper, and M.T. Heizler
10. Petrology and geochemistry of the Middle Jurassic Ironside Mountain batholith: Evolution of potassic magmas in a primitive arc setting
C.G. Barnes, E.V. Mars, S. Swapp, and C.D. Frost
11. Ages and some cryptic sources of Mesozoic plutonic rocks in the Klamath Mountains, California and Oregon
C.M. Allen and C.G. Barnes
12. Magma mixing and mingling in the Grayback pluton, Klamath Mountains, Oregon
K. Johnson and C.G. Barnes
13. Depth of origin of late Middle Jurassic garnet andesite, southern Klamath Mountains
C.G. Barnes and C.M. Allen
14. Geology of the Bear Mountain intrusive complex, Klamath Mountains, California
J.C. Bushey, A.W. Snoke, C.G. Barnes, and C.D. Frost
15. New U-Pb radiometric dates of the Bear Mountain intrusive complex, Klamath Mountains, California
K.R. Chamberlain, A.W. Snoke, C.G. Barnes, and J.C. Bushey
16. Structural and petrologic evolution of the Bear Peak intrusive complex, Klamath Mountains, California
R.R. McFadden, A.W. Snoke, and C.G. Barnes
17. Arc plutonism following regional thrusting: Petrology and geochemistry of syn- and post-Nevadan plutons in the Siskiyou Mountains, Klamath Mountains province, California
C.G. Barnes, A.W. Snoke, G.D. Harper, C.D. Frost, R.R. McFadden, J.C. Bushey, and M.A.W. Barnes
18. Geologic-petrochemical comparison of early Mesozoic mafic arc terranes: Western Paleozoic and Triassic belt, Klamath Mountains, and Jura-Triassic arc belt, Sierran Foothills
H.H. Scherer, C.A. Snow, and W.G. Ernst
19. A reevaluation of the paleotectonic significance of the Paleozoic Central Metamorphic terrane, eastern Klamath Mountains, California: New constraints from trace element geochemistry and 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology
W.M. Barrow and R.V. Metcalf
20. Ediacaran cyclomedusoids and the paleogeographic setting of the Neoproterozoic–early Paleozoic Yreka and Trinity terranes, eastern Klamath Mountains, California
N. Lindsley-Griffin, J.R. Griffin, J.D. Farmer, E.A. Sivers, B. Bruckno, and M.K. Tozer
21. Cataclastic textures in La Grange fault rocks, Klamath Mountains, California
S.M. Cashman and K.V. Cashman
22. The Klamath peneplain: A review of J.S. Diller’s classic erosion surface
K.R. Aalto
23. Permian-Jurassic growth and amalgamation of the Wallowa composite terrane, northeastern Oregon
M.A. Kays, J.P. Stimac, and P. Goebel