GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 414

Styles of Continental Contraction

edited by Stefano Mazzoli and Robert W.H. Butler

1. Styles of continental contraction: A review and introduction
R.W.H. Butler and S. Mazzoli
2. Structural pattern of the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt in the Dezful Embayment (SW Iran)
S. Carruba, C.R. Perotti, R. Buonaguro, R. Calabrò, R. Carpi, and M. Naini
3. Coexistence of thin- and thick-skinned tectonics: An example from the Central Apennines, Italy
V. Scisciani and R. Montefalcone
4. Pliocene-Quaternary thrusting, syn-orogenic extension and tectonic exhumation in the southern Apennines (Italy): Insights from the Monte Alpi area
S. Mazzoli, L. Aldega, S. Corrado, C. Invernizzi, and M. Zattin
5. Structures, interference patterns, and strain regime during midcrustal deformation in the Alpi Apuane (Northern Apennines, Italy)
G. Molli and L.Vaselli
6. Appalachian orogenesis: The role of repeated gravitational collapse
T.H. Bell and R. Newman
7. Structural style and crustal architecture of the Tasmanides of eastern Australia: Example of a composite accretionary orogen
D.R. Gray, D.A. Foster, R.J. Korsch, and C.V. Spaggiari
8. Styles of basement involvement in the Moine Thrust Belt, NW Scotland
R.W.H. Butler, R.E. Holdsworth, and S.J. Matthews
9. Thick-skinned and thin-skinned styles of continental contraction
O.A. Pfiffner