GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 416

Paleoenvironmental Record and Applications of Calcretes and Palustrine Carbonates

edited by Ana María Alonso-Zarza, Lawrence H. Tanner

Preface v

Ancient Landscapes, Climate and Sequence Boundaries
1. Calcic pedocomplexes — Regional sequence boundary indicators in Tertiary deposits of the Great Plains and western United States
D.L. Hanneman and C.J. Wideman
2. A Late Triassic soil catena: Landscape and climate controls on paleosol morphology and chemistry across the Carnian-age Ischigualasto–Villa Union basin, northwestern Argentina
N.J. Tabor, I.P. Montañez, K.A. Kelso, B. Currie, T. Shipman, and C. Colombi
3. Investigating paleosol completeness and preservation in mid-Paleozoic alluvial paleosols: A case study in paleosol taphonomy from the Lower Old Red Sandstone
S.B. Marriott and V.P. Wright
4. Calcareous paleosols of the Upper Triassic Chinle Group, Four Corners region, southwestern United States: Climatic implications

L.H. Tanner and S.G. Lucas
5. Estimates of atmospheric CO2 levels during the mid-Turonian derived from stable isotope composition of paleosol calcite from Israel
A. Sandler
6. Pedogenic carbonate distribution within glacial till in Taylor Valley, Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica
K.K. Foley, W.B. Lyons, J.E. Barrett, and R.A. Virginia

Sedimentary Environments and Facies
7. Calcretes, oncolites, and lacustrine limestones in Upper Oligocene alluvial fans of the Montgat area (Catalan Coastal Ranges, Spain)
D. Parcerisa, D. Gómez-Gras, and J.D. Martín-Martín
8. The role of clastic sediment influx in the formation of calcrete and palustrine facies: A response to paleographic and climatic conditions in the southeastern Tertiary Duero basin (northern Spain)
I. Armenteros and P. Huerta
9. The Upper Triassic crenogenic limestones in Upper Silesia (southern Poland) and their paleoenvironmental context
J. Szulc, M. Gradzi´nski, A. Lewandowska, and C. Heunisch
10. A recent analogue for palustrine carbonate environments: The Quaternary deposits of Las Tablas de Daimiel wetlands, Ciudad Real, Spain
A.M. Alonso-Zarza, M. Dorado-Valiņo, A. Valdeolmillos-Rodríguez, and M. Blanca Ruiz-Zapata
11. Depositional conditions of carbonate-dominated palustrine sedimentation around the K-T boundary (Faciès Rognacien, northeastern Pyrenean foreland, southwestern France)
D. Marty and C.A. Meyer
12. Reworked Microcodium calcarenites interbedded in pelagic sedimentary rocks (Paleocene, Subbetic, southern Spain): Paleoenvironmental reconstruction
J.M. Molina, J.A. Vera, and R. Aguado

Dating of Calcretes: Applications
13. Calcite cement stratigraphy of a nonpedogenic calcrete in the Triassic New Haven Arkose (Newark Supergroup)
E.T. Rasbury, E.H. Gierlowski-Kordesch, J.M. Cole, C. Sookdeo, G. Spataro, and J. Nienstedt
14. Calcrete features and age estimates from U/Th dating: Implications for the analysis of Quaternary erosion rates in the northern limb of the Sierra Nevada range (Betic Cordillera, southeast Spain)
J.M. Azañón, P. Tuccimei, A. Azor, I.M. Sánchez-Almazo, A.M. Alonso-Zarza, M. Soligo, and J.V. Pérez-Peña